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Posts posted by richcaz

  1. Thank you ladies for all your comments.


    I have had a scan here early to confirm dates and will be arriving just shy of 11 weeks and have every intention of getting see as quickly as possible in order to start the care process and try and keep in time with appointments required etc.


    Will look out for ante natal classes to join as would be good for both Jacob and myself to get socialising, his great fun but conversation is often one sided lol plus would like to keep him micing with other children as he is a social butterfly!


    We are looking at Mt Barker and surrounding areas so need to work out which is nearest hospital and if possible for me to start ball rolling etc.


    its getting so close now and still lots to do!!



  2. This has been great to read we will be there in 4 weeks!! Although I wouldn't say I am nervous as yet, just looking forward to the new life we will have! There are some concerns of not having people we know around us so hoping we will adjust and make friends quickly!


    It is a massive thing to be doing and this really has helped ease any slight doubts I may have had!

  3. Thanks everyone!Liz no work lined up yet trying well hubby is!Jim and Adel,Great info! We are really not beach people dare I say it but being 30min hours drive from it and the city is fine for us, so in reflection it sounds like it will tick all the right boxes. So will still start our initial search in that location based on your comments.Doug,Thank you for your kind offer we arrive late evening so one of the things we both decided was to ensure transport sorted in advance forrpeace of mind. But a lovely offer!Tomjonesdad,Valid point and whilst we keep an eye on what's available nothing is set in stone as we know what we do and don't like, just wondering if any areas highly recommended for a young growing family.Looking forward to our arrivalRich and Carylin

  4. Hello


    My husband, son (1year) and I are flying out 5 weeks Sunday, we have sorted out short term accomadation for when we arrive but wondered if anyone could recommend some areas?


    We picked Mount Barker as a location for our application to research, but wouldn't mind going somewhere else if better and accesible to parks, schools and shops.


    As we are only renting to start with it will make it easier for us to move after a year if not happy but would rather find a location we like and settle in not only for us but our son, as it is already going to be a big thing!


    Info much appreciated!


    Richy & Carylin

  5. Thanks Paula H, its a rather scary thought but exciting!! xxxx


    Liz, I will have to double check with my husband but as far as I can remember we are coming on an perm state sponsored 176 and understand we get Medicare in which case I shouldn't have anything to worry about as I will be 12 weeks 2 weeks after we arrive and over here they are not willing to scan me at 10 weeks :-( just to give me peace of mind!


    I've tried looking on sites to get more inform but its tough, but looking forward to bringing my children up in Australia!!



  6. Hi,


    Our flights are booked and we arrive 6th May, but we have literally just found out we are expecting our second child and now need to know what Maternity care I will get or if even entiltled to any as we have not lived in Australia for 2 years?


    Does anybody know, did this happen to you? Please if anyone could give us advice on what we will need to do as would like to be well prepared when we get there for what we will need to do.


    Thank you in advance!


    Rich & Caz

  7. Hi,


    Our flights are booked and we arrive 6th May, but we have literally just found out we are expecting our second child and now need to know what Maternity care I will get or if even entiltled to any as we have not lived in Australia for 2 years?


    Does anybody know, did this happen to you? Please if anyone could give us advice on what we will need to do as would like to be well prepared when we get there for what we will need to do.


    Thank you in advance!


    Rich & Caz

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