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Posts posted by PommiePattons

  1. Hiya, we use the comfybots at night for our 3yr old, have the occasional leak when she has drunk abit too much before bedtime. But on the whole good for the price. Due a little one in July and have purchased a couple of packs of huggies to start with. Can work out quite expensive though so i know a couple of ladies who are giving the reusable ones a go. Not sure i can be dealing with that myself but Ill let you know what feedback they give. Also dont think we have one ready to go yet but have heard good things about the Aldi ones.

  2. Hi guys, Im Emma and have been living in Adelaide with my husband and out 3yr old daugter (and a little boy due July) for just over a year now. Have met some lovely people along the way, but as you know takes a while to settle in and its all abit hit and miss. Now we are finally settled in Mclaren Flat and i need to get my butt in gear and hopefully make some good friends.

    Husband works full time but im at home filling time. Although my daughter has alot to say theres only so long you can enjoy conversation with a 3yr old before you crack up :arghh: Obviously a good drink is not on the cards for me at the moment (much to my disappointment having moved to a vine region) but would love to meet up with others to occupy the kids, have lunch and a chat. The drinking can come after :wink: Always open to trying new things. Dont get me wrong im more than happy to meet up with people who dont have kids or maybe older ones. Just not sure if id be the pregnant woman cramping their style hehe.

    So any takers in the area give me a shout and we can arrange to meet up. Id also be interested in any group meets that might be happening.


    Chat soon, Emma

  3. Hi everyone


    Got a massive problem that i need help with.

    Selling my house in the UK and the solicitors there need me to get my identity verified by either embassy or by a uk qualified solicitor. Time is very sorry as need to get the documents off by Friday to ensure we complete on time. It had to be this way due to the UKs money laundering laws.

    Does anybody know of anyone here in Adelaide?


    Thanks in advance


  4. Strangley enough i was worries you may think the same thing, as in you being older and me being 29 and too young for your social circle lol. Kids make you old for sure. A night out every now and then is fine by me these days. Gotta love a good barbie.

  5. We are both 28 I'm a electrician and my wife is looking for work in the banking sector as she used to work for

    nat west. We have been here for 3 weeks. Both on the job hunt. We have 2 Girls 7 and 4. Youngest goes kindie 2 days a week. Used to live London/Essex area.



    Oh KennyKen i did just have to laugh at myself. I thought you guys may be lot older after your comment "harder to make friends when your older" :biglaugh: My husband says he feels ancient now. But believe me its like having 2 kids for me.

    Have you managed to get your eldest into Brighton school? Its meant to be good. Would be good to meet up. Your other half can add me on facebook if she likes? (Emma Patton) as easier to message on there. Oh and good luck on the job front!!

  6. Its all about the questions on here, its what it all about :smile:

    Im 29 and my husband is 41 (he tells me he is young at heart lol) He is a store manager for Coles (previously Sainsburys) and im home looking after the little one at the monent. How about you guys?

  7. I think me and the missus are on the verge of killing each other, she needs some feminine friends. I on the other hand would like a beer talk about **** and not be moaned at. Our two kiddies are running riot and we're trying to sort everything out! Nightmare! Does anyone find it harder meeting friends when older?


    How old are the little ones KennyKen? Ive been going to a playgroup on wednesday mornings on Jetty road, Brighton if your other half would like to come along? Or meet up at a park, indoor play ect ect. Ive never heard my husband protest against beer before so im sure he would be up for that.

    Im only just starting to feel settled myself and meeting people is a big part of that. Its pretty hard to meet friends when you have kids and cant just go on the booze all the time and have to keep them entertained. Also hard to break into groups that have already been formed. Everyones in the same boat though really.

  8. We're going to Woodcroft! I have made a pact with myself that me and my husband should meet up with people from the forum, it's been so helpful and will be nice to chat to people once in oz!

    Thanks! We have a 2 and a half year old so i'm hoping it's uneventful as well!!!!!!



    Getting out and about and meeting people is a must, it would be pretty lonely if not and thats not why any of us have moved here is it. Im more than happy to catch up when you get here if you like. Just give me a shout. Also ive been following some really good sites and facebook pages that tell you whats going on in Adelaide, give them a try - "Adelaide mums and little ones" (facebook), "Weekendnotes", "Play & go Adelaide", "Whats on for Adelaide families"

  9. Where abouts are you settling lilgal89 ? Ive been meeting up with a few people further south and am suprised how easily and quickly you can get places here. Hope your sleeps go fast and your flight is uneventful :wink:

  10. Glad your looking forward to it! Been here 3 weeks and love it! 22 hours on plane was tough tho!


    Are you living this way then KennyKen? How are you getting on? We are in Seacombe Gardens, been here 2 months now and loving it :smile:

  11. Hiya, we moved to Adelaide about 2 months ago now with our 2.5yr old daughter and we are loving it. We too were worried about the flight. Having visited Australia the beginning of last year and having an awfull flight as our little girl was ill and cried the whole way. This time was a breeze though, she was an angel, and being that bit older def helped. I must confess we downloaded some of her favouite shows and puzzles onto the ipad, a must if you have one or similar.

    Although we are alittle further north than you will be i have come to realise nothing is very far here. Even if there isnt one right on your doorstep it wont be far. I have gone down to Noarlunga to meet up with people and takes no time at all. So much to do with little ones!! I cant give info on your specific area in afraid (im still learning :smile: ) but hope it helps ease your mind. Good luck with everything!!!

  12. Hiya, we have been in Oz for about 6 weeks now and are looking froward to meeting new people and seeing new things. Theres me, my husband and our 2 and half year old daughter and we are in Seacombe Gardens. My husband works full time but at present im a stay at home mummy. So if anyone knows of any meet ups local (not that anywhere is too far to drive to in Adelaide), or anyone would like to meet up give me a shout.

  13. Hi all, so we are here and finally in our rented accomodation in Seacombe Gardens. Now thw waiting game for our container to arrive.


    Is anyone else living in this area? I see alot have decided to go abit further south. Theres myself, my husband and our 2 and a half year old daughter. Would be great to meet up with other newbies or people who have maybe been here a while and can share their knowledge. Im desperate to know where a good hairdresser and beautician are near me if anyone can help with that? Info on things like daycare ect would also be a great help.

    Hopefully catch up with some of you soon :smile:

  14. Hi Bal,

    know what you mean, we leave in two weeks so feeling fairly stressed. Lots of advice and lists of what to do on here and poms in oz, I can't remember who but someone has done a complete list we found it really useful.

    also do internet search for the same we got lots of great stuff


  15. Hi Sue,


    We are in a similar position, told my mum prior to Christmas.

    give them time to adjust to the shock of you actually doing it, I got silly comments thrown out in the heat of the moment.

    we leave in two weeks and my mum is in a totally different place now.

    Understand they will never like it but they have to accept it, start talking to them about how soon they will come to visit makes a big difference

    Totally agree with Freesia, skype and FaceTime will definitely help as well


    good luck

  16. Hi all,


    Well it should read Novated but anyway I am trying to work out which is a better option out of the notated lease (salary sacrifice) or buying the traditional way from a dealership?

    welcome any advice



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