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Posts posted by Dreamer

  1. Congratulation to all who got their PR Grant.


    I follow this forum not continuously but frequently. Many thanks to all forum members. This forum is really helpful. Lot of thanks.....


    Therefore, I am one of applicant of 2013, applied December 2013 and Finally, Finally I GOT THE GOLDEN LETTER TODAY...............Got the PR......Oh! What a relief.....


    Thanks to the Almighty GOD!


    Best Wishes to all of you who are waiting and specially the 2013/14 applicant.................. I hope the decision is not so far its just around you............

  2. Hi guyz

    just an update...today immi asked for my wife AFP certificate...applied on 18th October 2013...nationality Bangladesh..don't know how long this will take to be approved.


    Just a question: Didn't you submitted AFP certificate of you wife while you submit your application on 18th oct 2013? or DIBP is asking the AFP cert for 2nd time? Thanks

  3. Hi Dreamer,

    Till few weeks ago I could see both our details on vevo but after reading ur post I tried and its not working for secondary applicant for me too!!so no worries looks like some system problem. It doesn't show for either person on ecom website too.Chk it out.


    Thank you AT31Oct. ECOM also same. don't know is it system problem or anything else...............

  4. Can anybody tell how to check Bridging visa status on vevo for secondary applicant? Because whenever I put primary applicant's passport detail along with TRN number vevo works and showed details of primary applicant. But when I put secondary applicant's passport detail along with the TRN (same TRN number as you know) number then vevo not working. Please share how to check......// Thanks....

  5. This changed not too long ago so you don't need to reapply for bridging visa a when you come back. Probably worth emailing them and getting it in an email to be safe though.


    If its change then can you please provide the link where is it in written format? It will be a help. Because every where (even I did a post lodgement enquiry about travel right) and I got its clearly written that BVA will cease when you depart Australia whether its in effect or not. One have to re-apply for BVA when return. Otherwise he/she will be unlawful when present substansive visa expire....

  6. Just checked the link to check online about documents required on ecom.immi.gov.au and to my horror i can see things that have never been mentioned by anyone in previous so many posts.I hope I am not a different one;

    Below is what it says for me and wife

    Fo me

    1.Birth Certificate(is passport copy not ok for it ? would I required school certificates to show and should it be certified?)

    2.Copy of passport(already uploaded)

    3. IELTS (I had appeared for it overseas in June 2009 while applying for 475,can it be used? if not then will I have to appear for it again?)

    4.Marriage certificate(does it require to be certified)

    5.AFP(already uploaded)

    6.Passport photo(already uploaded)

    For wife

    1.Birth Certificate(is passport copy not ok for it ? would I required school certificates to show and should it be certified?)

    2.Copy of passport(already uploaded)

    3. IELTS (she had appeared for it overseas in June 2009 while applying for 475,can it be used? if not then will she has to appear for it again?)

    4.Evidence of name change(will my passport copy of her name changed and her new passport with her name changed and marriage certificate be enough?)

    5.AFP(already uploaded)

    6.Passport photo(already uploaded)

    7.Form 1221


    Its not showing form 80 and 1221 for me and form 80 for her so does that mean we dont have to submit it?

    pls guys if anyone had similar situations pls let me know especially about IELTS!!!

    Also is it the documents show required till a CO is alloted even though we have already sent?

    i am really going crazy with this.Can anyone pls reply in detail to each query.Sorry that its too long.

    thanks in advance


    For 887, main applicant does not need to submit IELTS but English requirement (Functional English) usually IELTS is required for secondary applicant................


    You can check about document checklist in immi website. http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/checklists/887.aspx



  7. Hi Dreamer


    I had already travelled...i had applied for 2 months and they granted me two months straight away ...they did not asked for any reason but u have to mention in form when u apply ....and i have applied i got BVB in less than 4 hours....


    Thanks Paki for your reply. That was great that you got BVB within 4 hours......// Will you please share, how long ago did you applied for BVB from the date of your departure?....

  8. Hello guys


    A quick question....i have travelled overseas for two months and immigration granted me bridging visa B and after travelling overseas do i need to apply for Bridging visa A or it will be done automatically?????


    Hi Paki, did you already traveled or going to travel? Can you please share one thing: DIBP approved 2 months for you, did you apply for exact 2 months? or more than 2 months? In addition, I am just thinking what will be appropriate substantial reason for getting 2.5 months approval of BVB. do you have any suggestions? I am also planning to travel..............// Thank you Paki.....

  9. From Iran. I applied 12 Nov 2013. Today got an email saying my case has been transferred to team 10 Adelaide and I have to contact theme for any inquiry.


    Any idea guys? What's happening? For how long we have to wait?


    People getting their PR in 3-4 months and we are waiting for ages.


    Hi Locomotive, do you get any idea by now? what is happening about why the visa processing changed from Brisbane team to adelaide?.......

  10. Any applicant from Pak specially SG887, KHAN2942014, JESUSLORD or anyother person who got any update from their case , or anyone they know , i have recently seen two grants from Pakistan in my friends circle but on a different visa class 885. Plz do share if you have any info:)


    Hi eid2014, that good news, but can you also please share how long from their application date they got their visa? I mean what about their duration? I recently heard one of applicant (one of from these countires) got visa after 20 months (not 887 different category), and I heard two got visa who are 887 after 18 months.................. all I heard so please understand I can't tell more than that............................. however, I feel happy when I heard someone is getting Visa..............

  11. Hi dreamer ,

    I would say its better if you go to any travel agent and create an itenary this can be done with out paying any thing , i would say the dates you want to get visa for , take that with you as a proof and note that you paying fees to DIBP so its always good to get longer visa just incase you need to go again , i have seen people applied and got visa for 3 months or more easily , the visa BVB if valid you can travel infuture if needed and if not valid does not harm you , and i think you can add spouse in same form part E , but in my case i went single , but check with DIBP , also to notify department about your return you can send email to your case officer if you have one or call the DIBP if no case officer ,also there is no harm to write on a paper the questions you asking me and call the helpdesk just for your peace of mind :)


    Thank you eid2014 for your answers..........................my pleasure. Till its far to go, I wish I will get PR by the time.................... Thanks............

  12. Hello Everyone. I'm quite confused here. I applied my 887 from 475 last month and was issued with a bridging visa A and my 475 is valid till june 2015. I understand the bridging visa only activates after your current visa expires. I'm planning for a trip overseas next month. Do I need to reapply for bridging visa A once i return to Australia. I mean can someone explains how this works. Do I need to inform DIAC for my overseas trip even if I'm still on 475.


    Hi vick, I am not expert, but currently analyzing the bridging visa as I have also plan to visit overseas. One thing I discovered that while you are in till 475 you can any time fly out and fly in to Australia. But when you depart Australia your BVA will be ceased. Therefore, after return you need to apply for BVA before your 475 expire, ohterwise you will be unlawful when your subclass 475 expire. And it will be issue during your citizenship. However, this is my knowledge. you can verify with expert one......

  13. Hi dreamer,

    you can put any date of your choice but sometime the case officer dont grant full days as you request (sometimes only) and proof does not need to be ticket it could be itenary (cost nothing) free ,and could be any proof depends on the reason like wedding, illness of family memmber or emergency , i applied for 2 months but got grant for 1 month it depends if your case officer thinks your case is near by or you need to be onshore at the time of 887 grant and so on , and once i returned my agent notified them and BVB continue untill your 887 grant but you cant travel after it expires or not valid , just notify your case officer or DIBP , hope this helps


    Thats great that I can put any date. But got tensed as at your case you applied for 2 months but you got 1 months. Really got tensed because I need minimum 2 months. If you know any way how to maximize you can share. Just one thing I and my spouse will fly therefore, only one form (1006) will be ok right? And just another thing, when you return how you notified DIBP? I mean by email or does there any specified form? Thanks a lot eid2014 your answers are really helping me to take decision.....................Thanks.......

  14. Hi dreamer,

    I have been is similar situation like you , i applied two days before my departure and they grant me the visa next day , depends on the reason as well , i took the tickets with me as a proof and got BVB next day, they send you email confirmation and grant letter of the decision, also i strongly suggest visit your near by immi office and lodge in person , all you need is some proof like ticket etc, fees for visa , passport details and passport and ofcourse form , and most important you need to notify them once you return :) hope this helps


    Hi eid2014, thanks a lot for your experience sharing. Most appreciated. yes thats exactly what I wish to know. Now will you please give some answer of parallel questions:


    > As ticket required for evidence then, for example if I purchase ticket from 1st december 2014 (fly) and to return on 15th Jan 2015 then is it ok to mention in the form that intended time of return 30 Jan 2015. I am asking this because you know within the time frame return is very crucial on bvb. so if I have extra 15 days in hand then I will be bit of relax.


    > when you returned did you only notified them or you have applied for bva again (through form 1005)?


    Thank you eid2014.........

  15. I am not an immi expert, but i can try to make an idea


    If you have nearest DIBP office then you can personally go there and fill a form and you will get your BVB on the spot. ( As you are 887 applicant, and the process takes 3-4 months so i dont think you will get BVB).


    you don't have to worry about grant letter because they will change your status online and then you can take print outs from there for your reference.


    Thank you very much Singh487to887 for your advice. Yes you are are right 887 processing time 3-4 months but not for all. Its now 10 months waiting period running................and as far as the situations there is no certainty about when the Visa will be grant.............................. Its a uncertain life also..............

  16. Hi All, I have a different type of question. This is related to Bridging Visa. I have a plan to visit home country on coming December, and that time I will be on bridging visa A (if I not get my PR by that time). I know that I have to apply for BVB to travel outside, but to clarify few things my questions are as below:


    1. How many days before of my departure date I need to apply for BVB?

    2. How long IMMI take to grant BVB?

    3. When they grant BVB does they send any grant letter? or what evidence I will show in immigration/airport during my depart and back in? does VEVO is enough?


    If anybody in this forum has already traveled in BVB, please share your practical experience...................// also who didn't traveled but know the answer of above please share.

    It will be a great help ..................

    Thanks everybody.......

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