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Posts posted by zealander

  1. It's been quite a while since I've been on here and reading this thread has stirred some mixed emotions, I too found Adelaide a big let down. The promise of skilled work, better life style, a "new world" style of living. It didn't happen, no matter how many doors I knocked on, CV's sent, hoops jumped through it just wasn't happening. Slagging a place off won't help anyone's situation and isn't helpful advice.

    The easiest way to describe moving to Adelaide is like moving from a vibrant English city such as London, Manchester, Edinburgh or Cardiff and ending up in Bradford, a run down town full of migrants without any prospects. Haters will hate! But there are more social problems in Australia than in the UK, more "hand shakes" and "arse kissing" required and if you don't conform to the generic way of living and you have an opinion hen you'll get shouted down.

    Everyone's journey down under is different. It works for some and doesn't for others. I found that Europe has much more to offer than Australia. A good friend described Australia is like an empty and baron America.

    Just saying........3,2,1 let the abuse begin

  2. The UK has better ethics to work and a better quality of work......from what I've heard, the UK building industry is booming ATM, the economy is picking up.


    Take into account that the UK has more head per population so in all fairness, it proves that there are a lot more jobs and a lot more employed in the UK.


    CBA with them and us threads, but figures are figures and the true effect of the financial recession in SA haven't come into effect yet, the UK has slowly got through the crunch. Let's hope SA make it through as well and as quick as the UK did.

  3. There are positives and negatives with moving anywhere.


    I guess being in a new country for 5 minutes would be exciting, with new and a wonderful experiences with the holiday and honeymoon experience in full swing.


    There is also a flip side, for example 12-18 months in, no perm job, applying for everything, registering with all the employment agencies, using the hard earned savings to make ends meet, kids not settling into school move them and then still not settling. Skype isn't the same as having a cuppa and a chat with old long term proper friends, the fake it till you make it attitude, Telling family back in the UK that all is good but deep down you know that there is a burning desire to get back into your old life back in the UK as on reflection your old life wasn't all that bad after all, having to drag yourself out of bed everyday to go to a dead end job where as a pom your treated as a second class citizen on the minimum wage.


    Yes, there are negative posts on most forums (including this one) as well as positives, it's called "Reality" and an "unbiased opinion".


    I'm sure that in others opinion, "things don't work out because there isn't enough research done", If a forum only projects positive feed back, then where can this full and unbiased information to be found?


    I will look forward to reading the on going updates and views once reality sets in for the new arrivals.


    Please, don't mock the negatives on a forum, because these are real peoples lives. Who are either going through it or have been through it. There are also others on here who are too proud to admit that they may have made a mistake by moving half way round the world and who are stuck in a situation thinking they are on their own, the members who are posting negatives are only trying to advise and give real unbiased life experiences.

  4. SA is doing it tough at the moment, but don't let that discourage you. You only need one job.

    Only one job is very hard to come by ATM in SA, more like 3 casual jobs on minimum wage ($19 AUD per hour). SA is hard and is struggling, with too few jobs and a lot of the larger companies laying off. New poms are competing for very few jobs and a lot of home grown Aussies are looking for work and going for the same jobs.

  5. I've got friends in HR and recruitment in Oz and back in the UK, both agencies "bank" job seekers on file and some charge for this privilege.


    What's the best way to get information? .....create a job, advertise it and watch the CV's with all the personal information roll in, job falls through.


    Your CV and details may be passed on or "sold" to other agencies in the industry for their recruitment purposes.

  6. There just isn't the jobs in Adelaide the Australians are struggling as to are the poms who have been there for a while so all the newbies with their deluded ideas of the new utopia don't stand a chance really, it's very hard over here ATM. I have found that the Australians are looking after their own and it's getting a lot harder for the keen and green newbies.


    Out of 12 families who have come over with us in the last 2 years, 9 have gone back to blighty, I've friends who have gone back to Canada and the US and a lot more have jumped state.


    It may be portrayed as the lucky country, but SA isn't the lucky state ATM.

  7. Like I posted on previous a thread, Adelaide is going to be the Detroit of Australia, shame that the State is getting revenue from un suspecting blinkered migrants from all over the Globe......it is funny however that SA is still on a mass migrant recruitment drive, when there just aren't the jobs, or the FULL time jobs over here ATM. What are the poms and migrants expected to do, spend all their funds they come over with, pfffft would rather stay in blighty, with a full time job and security.

  8. If admin added a "Donate Button" to the forum who would actually donate, I know I would. Just to give and receive advice and some of the info is priceless on here.


    Also it would be cheeper to donate to the site than to buy magazines, just for the entertainment value.

  9. For some it takes longer for the inevitable to happen, maybe some see the light quicker than others.

    Maybe some have made a big hoo ha about going to Oz and the shame of returning is keeping them out here.

    maybe others have nothing in the UK to go back to and stay.

    maybe some realise that it was a huge mistake as soon as they got off the plane and after seeing Brighton road they think WTF it's time to leave cut our losses and beat a retreat back to blighty.

    maybe some have an offer in the UK they cannot refuse.


    every ones journey is different so who are we to judge or make comment, it's not a bad thing to return to blighty I would say its a brave thing to do, good on em.

  10. No I don't think people should pay to use the site - it's the members who make it! On the other hand there are many people on here who make a fair bit of money from advertising their services to the membership and make no financial contribution to the sites running costs. Admittedly some justify this by posting a fair bit and trying to be helpful to members, but at the end of the day Admin cannot run by words alone! I think a fairer way to offset the running costs would be to make sure any user who was benefitting financial helped out financially.




    Hear Hear, you will also find it's the same characters who post most, ( the ones running businesses off the back of the forum) if anything controversial or not to the inner circles liking then the big guns come out and shout you down.

    Reading several different threads about various subjects, it's always the same group who seem to stick together and circle like vultures to shout that person down and as an "outsider" it's quite intimidating.


    in reply to the OP I think businesses advertising on here and getting a good business revenue then they should pay to use the forum, give something financial back rather than views, opinions, propaganda and advice....if your making a bit then give a bit.

  11. I have to agree here, if you are looking for IT work in and around the CBD and putting Goolwa down as your address it will be a big negative for many employers/agencies. That is unless your skills clearly stand out from the crowd.

    And they say that SA is an equal opportunity place to live. Shocking to read that you may be segregated or frowned upon for where you live, would living in Auldana with the same skills see be getting on for an agency or employer over those form Goolwa. what if I was from St. Peter's?

  12. Hi, my husband has a potential job in Adelaide and its come out of the blue. We were not looking to move, particularly to the other side of the globe. We have two children aged 10 and 12 so will need to consider schools, where to live etc etc. Any advice would be much appreciated before we commit to this massive change. Thanks.

    See and enquire if there is potential for a job in Brisbane, much nicer place and more opportunity.

  13. Hi all, we have noticed there are a lot of short term furnished rentals down near Christies beach and surrounding areas but is it to far from city centre? With it being our first few weeks we feel we will need to be around the centre to get a lot of things done and also search for long term rentals, any thoughts or suggestions guys, thanks!

    No it's not too far, you can use main south, express way, or trapalies hill and be in town within 35-45 mins. It's not a bad area but a bit run down. We have friends who travel from Aldinga to work every day in town, as they like the area and it's a lovely place to live.

  14. I am still thinking/searching/scratching my head whether to bring my BMW X3 or not.....

    X3 are cr4p IMO, sell it and buy a land cruiser or a ute or a proton or a nissan or a Holden or a rav or a skoda......get the message yet? Just sell the blooming thing European cars are not cost effective over here especially an X3. Even Jeremy Clarkson thinks they are cr4p, poor mans 4x4 with no ground clearance.

  15. Nice cropping of my post LC.


    as per usual, selective reading within the forum and distortion of posts.


    i accept that volunteering helps the community and those who want to help are already helping. Forcing those who don't want to work into work just to get their benefit will be pushing those who are already doing a great job and want to do it out.


    as an employee I would rather work with somebody who wants to do the job and wants to be there, rather than someone who goes through the motions for 3 months.

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