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Posts posted by LeonDH

  1. Looks like you need to invest in a trailer, or at least hire/borrow one Leon. Can I be nosey and ask, what's the project?

    Yeah mate don't even have a tow bar on the car tho ha.....I'm just having a go at turning them into outdoor furniture for our place...interested to see what it would turn out like being made out of pallets..

  2. Hey all, My partner and I are always up for a meet up, Unfortunately we are in K.I. for the 21st but thought I'd share my interests for any future meet ups.


    My name is Leon

    I'm 31

    From Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire U.K

    Love live music and music in general of most genres, Just started learning guitar.

    The usual outdoor summer stuff like camping, cycling, swimming

    And of course going out and socialising with a beer...

  3. Hey what do you play, Ive been learning guitar for around a month now, If you can show me how to play anything I'd be up for attempting a jam. I'm into most guitar based music and of course beer!!!

  4. Nice to know there are others out there with impeccable taste..!


    Would be good to know fellow 'Wire-heads' favorite scenes, for me it has to be when D'Angelo taught Bodie and Wallace about 'the game' using the Chess set, brilliant foreshadowing, closely followed by Jimmy's 'wake' and Snoop buying that nail gun.


    We're into series 4 of Breaking Bad (or should that be Braking Bad..!), that really is living up to the hype.


    Tyke, I'm with you on 'Come Dine With Me', a guilty pleasure if ever there was.



    Yeah The Wire is amazing......my funniest scene was when Mcnulty (who actually a English chap from Yorkshire) was undercover with the two hookers pretending to be an English man with a dodgy posh accent...Oh and McNulty smashing his car up drunk whilst listning to the Pogues.....Too funny

    Also checkout a series called 'Oz' its series set in a prison done by the same people that did the wire and has a lot of the same actors in very different roles. Its a bit full-on but worth a watch.

  5. Hi everyone, great so many want to come along, thinking we'll go for around 7.30 at the bar at the back overlooking the lake, meet at the high tables (you understand when you get there). You can have as many or as few as you like, they also do food. If anyone wants my mobile PM me.


    Can't wait to meet everyone




    Hey Debbie,

    We cant make it this time which is a shame but are always looking for these kind of meet ups as we enjoy making new friends. Can you let us know about any other events and hopefully we can make it next time.


    Cheers Leon and Jess

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