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Posts posted by Timmie

  1. hey guys,Timmie here,

    hope everyone had a good christmas?

    we are just over 6 weeks away from our move now and are very excited,,

    can anyone recommend some short term accommadation or any tips on where to look.

    we want to stay in town for te first few weeks to get sorted.

    thanks guys

  2. Hey guys,i havent been on for a while,been busy,,just to let you know my partner and i have been to Adelaide and back,we spent the last 2 weeks in march over there.we were very impressed it has to be said,transport,very easy to get around,city is tidy and compact,clean aswell,we were out every nite and never met any trouble once,we attended a few group meetings about jobs and got good feed back,we were assured work wud b no problem,just dont b afraid to look we were told,my partner works in admin, im a carpenter.altough im not qualified iv 18 years experience,if anyone has any construction contacts carpentry or labouring i wud be grateful as we are planning to move permanently in mid August, cheers guys

  3. Hey guys, we have made the decision to come to Adelaide for 2 weeks,firstly to activate our visa and secondly to get a feel for the place and check out jobs and places to live.9th of march to the 22nd. thats our stay,i realize now that we are coming in a busy festival period,we cant get accommodation anywhere, so if anyone has any advice or better still a room for a couple of weeks we would ever so greatful, we are an Irish couple from Co.Laois in our 30s. Cheers Guys

  4. hey guys,we v decided to come over for a couple of weeks,9th of march til 22nd,we are having problems booking accommadation,i no there are festivals on around te same time so it ll tough,so if anyone wud like two housemates for a couple of weeks we wud be very greatfull.

  5. Hey Claire,ye we applied 6 years ago when we arrived back from our years stay in new zealand,we were granted our visa last may,but things happened tat we couldnt leave before xmas, we,re thinking about coming out to activate te visa and that will give us till te end of may then,to be honest Claire we are very nervous

  6. HI.Timmie is my name,im from co. Laois in Ireland,Any advice would be helpful on if its a good idea to leave our jobs in Ireland to emigrate to Adelaide,we have to register before march 22nd or lose our 3 year regional sponsored visa,we r hearing good and bad reviews about Adelaide.is it expensive?is it hard to find work? all replys welcome

  7. well jay,tanx for your reply,i suppose we are just worried about our finance jay,we dont no how long it ll take for us to get work,would you be able to reccommend somewhere central to stay on arrival,cheap aswell i suppose just till we get sorted

  8. Hi all,my name is Timmie..myself and my partner are on the verge of emigrating to adelaide.we have our visa an all and have to activate it by march 22th, we have done alot of research but still find it daunting.so anyone up to lettin me pick their brains

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