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Scott and Lucy

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Posts posted by Scott and Lucy

  1. We've been granted a 489 visa and pending on our house sale we could be heading out at the start of June. Does anybody know of any plastering jobs or contacts in the Port Noarlunga area? I'm a solid plasterer in the UK which covers plastering, rendering, dry lining and coving. Hope someone can help.


    Many Thanks


  2. Hi, thought we'd introduce ourselves as we've been floating around the forum for some time now and really need to start making our dreams a reality. We're hoping to get in on an 189 visa through Scott's trade of plastering. I work as a part time administrator and we live in Yorkshire. We have two little girls aged 3 & 16 months who are the main reason for wanting to better our lives.

    We have travelled Australia extensively twice before we had the children so feel we know what to expect!!!

    We have an agent and are just about to start the very daunting thought of filling out Scott's TRA Skill Assessment. We're unsure where to start with the Skills Assessment as Scott is self employed and it looks like lots of information is required. We welcome any tips and advice on this please.

    Also it looks like jobs are very difficult to come by at the moment can anyone reassure us on that front?


    Lucy & Scott

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