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Status Updates posted by scooterdan

  1. Hey! My number is 0400271866 if you want to arrange a drink! send a txt etc or add on FB.... ozscooterdan!



  2. HI,


    I just saw this message.... haven't been yet but may have a look in!!

  3. LOL!!! Bugger all posh about screen printing mate!

  4. hurt ankle yest....hurts to stand! decided not to spend day standing at work! good day?

  5. Hey Sue,


    It would probably be easier and safer to pay at the meet and i'll save it for you!! Saves all the checks/posts etc...


    See u soon


  6. Bit skint....spent a fortune in sat at fest!


    I saw the length of the que to get in the strand at 6pm...was on the sea front!


    What you up today...we doin nothing...!!!

  7. Beer fest was good day out....loads of beer some free...too!!!


    was only one tent in one pub though...thought it might be a bit bigger!!


    Did you go out to Glenelg last night?



  8. Morning Mate,


    How things? Up to much?


    what you think of the match on fri....cant believe they threw it all away...shocking!!!



  9. Hey Mate,


    Did you have a good night watching football....?


    I would have been there but got a speeding fine.....200 bucks....my piss up money!



  10. so y arent you playing it....??? not bored already are u! LOL


    the walk was good...not as far as usual!!

  11. Hey mate,


    Am feeling better today (again)!! Gutted i missed last night...sounds like all you alcoholics had a good night!!

  12. Hey!


    Just thought i would say hello!


    Have seen you on here a few times.....and notice you are about our age! A drink maybe on the cards?


    Dan and Steph

  13. Morning!!


    Any plans for the day mate?

  14. Night was good....only got to bed about 4.30am! Steph got work at midday so up and about already!! Did Adam get back ok? How was you evening of entertainment?

  15. Cool......where we goin to? We are good!! You? Looking forward to weekend all ready...gonna be so busy but good!

  16. Hey!


    Good idea.... not sure how we getting there yet!! How far you away from Tapp inn? We got that rental....collect keys next fri!





  17. hey mate,


    Golf sounds great so far...


    can i be cheeky.....we are applying for a rental and need a personal ref.....any chance i can put you down and just tell them you known me a couple of months and that im great....if they call?



  18. thats very lively......good day?

  19. They are enjoying things....lookin for a rental in Glenelg this week and the just wanna get a social life sorted!!

  20. That sounds great fun....!! We met up with Liz and Kris in Glenelg for dinner and drink! Kris is interested in gettin a lads night underway!

  21. cool....i was close with date!!


    Have a good public hol...!

  22. http://www.postcards.sa.com.au/features2007/golf_rundlemall.html


    Hey mate,


    Sounds good to me....i found the above link....a bit about it!


    Having its on the sat after next would make it the 22nd...?


    fine by me!



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