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Posts posted by Macca

  1. Well my hubby has been in Adelaide for 5 weeks now! all good, found a fully furnished house, van for work etc. he said everyone is friendly and helpful. We are really missing him, we leave the UK on 14th June me plus 3 kids! Container leaves on Monday! just exams to get through and we will be on our way! we are really excited about our move, defo time for a change! Love the website!

  2. My husband has been in Adelaide for just over a week! he is settling in well, got a fully furnished house, van, phone and driving licence, just shows he can do all without me. He starts work on Monday! 10 weeks to go before the children and I will be joining him, got to get their exams out of the way first! all looking forward to our new adventure, not looking forward to the good byes! hopefully hear if we can take our Bongo in the container soon, takes along time for approval!

    This site has been invaluable to us, it has answered many questions along the way!

  3. Can anyone help with my question!

    My husband has been offered a 457 job in South Australia, he has just turned 50, am I right it saying we can only stay there for 4 years on the visa, and would not be able to apply for PR? if this is correct, once there could I apply for my own 457 visa as I am only 47, if successful with a job, apply after 2 years for PR for all the family.

    hope this makes sense!

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