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Posts posted by EmmaB

  1. Hi all, now that the dust has settled I am starting my job search, I have 15 years experience and qualifications in finance and project management across, manufacturing, service and Government. If anyone has any contacts or may know of a vacancy arising in your place of work, please PM me and I can share my resume.


    alternatively, which are the best recruiters to work with for opportunities in this area?



  2. Our 457 was granted just before Christmas and we sold our house the same day!!! Moving date 22nd feb, temporary accommodation sorted in Henley beach, kids enrolled in school and dogs vaccinations/blood tests all cleared, I just want to get on with it now, left the UK 4 years ago so easier to move on second time around, cu all on the sunny side :-)

  3. Hi, we are moving a complete of weeks before you, just got our visas exactly 1 week ago and sold our house the same day!!! Very excited/nervous. Our 2 children lauren 9 and riley 7 will start at grange primary school first week in March. Looking forward to meeting new people. Happy new year!!! For many of us 2015 is the start of something special :-)

  4. I have looked into loads of schools but also can't contact them until we have chosen where we will settle , feeling very frustrated!!! Anyone else feeling the same??


    Don't worry too much about schools, you are guaranteed a place in the school for which you are zoned. The alternative would be to look at non-state schools (faith schools, most are not heavy on the religion just affiliated with a particular faith alternaitve fee paying privates) they can accept people outside of the zone and would be able to let you know now if they can accommodate your kids. If you want a school place in a particular school for which you are not zoned then they will only accept the application if they have places to fill, otherwise, you need a 12 month agreement to secure a place. There is no harm in making contact with schools, I have bombarded many schools with my questions and they have not yet told me to go away.

  5. When we filed for T&E EOI T&E list got closed in 2 hours and one of our friend missed filling that. Do you have any idea when is the list getting updated again as now call centre occupation has special condition/closed


    No idea, this perhaps isn't the best thread to put that question on, maybe try the visa subcategory.

  6. Don't worry too much about language, it may take a little adjustment but children adapt quickly. We moved from UK to Sweden 4 years ago having never spoken Swedish, within 6 months our children were completely fluent and are completely bi-lingual. If she can already understand English she has a great advantage and almost all schools will offer additional language support where required. If your wife is planning to find work in the CBD living out near Glenelg would be practical, the tram is direct into the CBD in 25 mins and it is also positioned on the Anzac Highway for quick road access into CBD.

  7. We are not yet in Adelaide so do not qualify for zoning, many schools have zones especially those in very popular/affluent areas. I don't mean to put you off, but areas like, Linden Park, Unley, Burnside, Rose Park, close to the CBD are all tightly zoned and accomodation is also on the top end, maybe that is not a concern but worth knowing. Probably further out of the city the zones are more flexible, but honestly, don't stress too much about the MySchool website, almost all the schools I met said that the information is misleading. Trust your instincts, class size, support for new children, environment are all very important also. We have decided that we will live in the western beach suburbs, lovely area, good schools and an easier commute for my husband. We looked at everything, state schools, Catholic, Anglican, private, ranging from $0 to $15k per child in fees. With the high fees the facilities are obviously very impressive but we decided too much money to commit to in the first year. It is a minefield but decided what is most important to you and contact the schools for answers. Good luck

  8. Rose park as it's got a public school which is in top 5 and its close to CBT.


    Hi Amit, thought I would let you know what we discovered last week on our reccie trip. Rose Park school, yes very nice area, but similarly to Linden Park, is absolutely busting at the seams, we looked at both schools for the same reason as you, they are in the top 5. However, the classes are bulging over 30 kids in the class, some kids were working on corridors to get some space. They are very strict now on zoning due to the oversubscription and said categorically that without a minimum 12 month lease in the area they would not consider enrollment. Don't be fooled by their ranking as this is not current and they have had a massive surge in enrollment. The Naplan results that rank schools are only one thing to factor in. We visited 10 schools in 1 week, both my husband and I agreed that Rose Park and Linden Park, although both strong schools, were too busy for our kids and seemed to be very stretched. I would personally recommend that you consider a wider search. Happy to provide more info if required, as I said we were there just last week so very current. Good luck

  9. Hi, my husband and I are presently sitting in Dubai airport returning home from our reccie trip. Very successful week, beautiful city, very excited to move. However, now we need to make some decisions, we have visited a total of 8 schools in the eastern and beach surburbs, due to zoning some of them are not an option, cost and the commute to Salisbury for work has narrowed it down to 2 schools, Grange and Star of the Sea. I would be very interested to get a parents view on these 2 schools. Grange is zoned so we would need to secure accommodation before a place for the children would be confirmed, the other school us a catholic school so no zone. Anybody have a view or balanced argument that they would care to share? Thanks, much appreciated xx

  10. Hi, my OH is awaiting a work sponsored visa to come through, we have made it clear that we want to move ahead of term 1 2015. Should I be worried or is this type of visa typically more straightforward as it is both temporary and sponsored? I feel like I can't start any preparations until t's are crossed but conscious that January will home fast. Anybody else moved on a 457 recently and has any input?

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