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Posts posted by DebbieG

  1. Thanks but unlocking procedure is underway for both so about 6 working days I think. I don't think EE will cover me in Oz other than holiday add ons - no one has offered me that option and said I will have to buy an Austalian sim when I get out x

  2. Thank you - 4 year visas, altho still not through and we are due to fly on 12th Feb. His work sponsors are so laid back about it, saying all the time "don't worry, it'll be fine" but then you here of people waiting for months! Maybe it's different cos he has a sponsor? Almost sorted with the house sale, altho still nothing concrete - hoping to exchange contracts soon with a completion date of 3rd Feb. Leaving do planned for 31st - omg!

  3. Hi - I unforyunately entered into a 2 year contract for an iPhone & iPad with EE here in the UK just prior to our finding out about my Hubby's new job. I am only 4 months into the contract, so it looks like I am going to have to buy it up, have them unlocked either here or in Whyalla and then get a new contract over there? Will it just be a case of getting a new SIM card?

    Can anyone offer any advice re contracts etc ... I just don't want to loose any of my info in the process ...

  4. Hi - can anyone help?

    We are awaiting visas, as yet have no-where in Whyalla and are awaiting our house sale to complete here in UK, oh, and our flights look like being booked for 12th Feb!

    Can anyone advise on whether we should leave the balance of our house sale here in UK, or transfer to Oz?

    Would we be taxed on the transfer? I know the Australian Dollar is quite strong at the moment?

    So difficult to know what to do - Thank you

  5. I am going on my Hubby's visa with his work. We are heading for Whyalla ...

    yes a really hard time and the boys both have their work and lives here, so no, we are going alone.

    Im grieving anyway at the moment, but when I have to leave my boys - not sure how il feel.

    Where are you heading?

  6. Not sure what to do re the records ... may ask my Dr just in case I think.

    So much to do in such a short space of time ... where are you moving to?

    We don't have a place yet, but the comany will put us up for 6 weeks or so, then we just have to wait for all our belongings to arrive!

    It's all a bit scary right now!

  7. Well an update ... looks like it's Whyalla for me for a while and not Adelaide yet.

    House went on the market 2 weeks ago and has sold straight away to cash buyers, so looks like I'm gonna be moving with my Hubby now early Feb.

    Its mad here ...

    Can anyone help re Medical Records? Do we have to request and bring them?

  8. Yes 457 - he has just received his full job offer/contract and all the info regarding our relocation package etc yesterday.

    There are a few things we need clarifying and possibly 'tweaking' but looks like it's all happening. We have to set up a bank account too ... another thing we haven't a clue with?

    So, location for living will either be Adelaide with him commuting from Whyalla each week or maybe Port Loncoln? We've seen parts of Adelaide when we had 1 day to ourselves on our visit, but not Port Lincoln?

    Has anyone been to give me any more advice on it?

    So many questions sorry ... oh. and our house should be going on the market in the next week hopefully!

  9. Thank you all for taking the time to reply. We are coming out on a 457 visa? All new to me, but hey ... we have decided together to embrace this amazing opportunity. Emotions are coming over us both in waves - sometimes tears, sometimes disbelief, but sometimes childlike excitement at our new adventure together!

    Rich will be working in Whyalla, but we are unsure at the moment where we will be living. Either Port Lincoln or Adelaide? Or??? He will commute to me at weekends, so I need somewhere I can enjoy living and making friends.

    I have had a business for 18 years as a therapist, doing various treatments such as, massage, reflexology, Indian head massage, waxing etc. I work in homes for the elderly, and have patients with dementia and mental health problems. I am singer and teach at schools. I also teach crafting ... the rest for a while at least will do me good. Your comments and support will, I'm sure, keep me going through the next few months.

    Thank you again xxx

  10. Hi all ...

    from being happy here in Lincolnshire, with 2 boys (22 & 24), my own therapy business of 18 years ... my singing & teaching - my Hubby was headhunted for a job a month ago to work in South Austailia. We were both flown out last week & had a whirlwind tour of Whyalla, Adelaide & Melbourne. I can't quite believe that I'm back in the UK, severely jet lagged, with contracts being drawn up & visas being applied for.

    I now face selling our home, getting rid of years of 'stuff', informing all my patients & the school I teach in, & the worst of all ... leaving my boys behind .

    I guess the next few months are going to be tough ... hence I found this site & thought I'd seek help & advice from people who I'm sure have 'been there & done it' so to speak.

    I welcome any advice, support & guidance you can offer ...

    Debbie x


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