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  1. Hi although u get a bridging visa after applying for 887, ur 489 visa is what u use for travelling. As far as your 489 visa is valid, plz use that as your travel document. if your 489 expires then only the bridging visa will come into action. This is very clearly written on the bridging visa u get after you apply for 887.
  2. Hi Arslan Immi guys wont give you trouble, if its upto 8 weeks of overseas stay. But in your case, if i assume you were away on months with 4 weeks, then it adds upto about 16 weeks of overseas stay. And so you are a bit over the limit. but if I were you I would wait for a another month or so before applying. So that my overseas stay time frame can be made up.....hope it helps.....cheers
  3. Hi akshay1229, If you are asked to provide any info by the CO and you don’t press that “information provided” button after submitting the documents. How will the CO know that these documents are provided or not. As there would be hundreds of applicants who are asked to submit documents. I guess they won’t open each file, every day and see for sure. And CO in most cases never responds to emails. So I suggest that would press that button and notify that documents are uploaded.
  4. Hi 29Aug887 10July16 NO - if you wish to be contacted YES - if you don't wish to be contacted
  5. Hi HMDNI All your siblings and parents should come under, non-accompanying and non-dependent family members. As you have said that they have no plans to come at the moment and are non-dependent on you. If you have already filled in the application with something else, you can correct these mistakes in "UPDATE US" button. If you declare any relatives as dependent, then you might have to submit some more documents. cheers.....
  6. Hi 29Aug887, There is tab in immi account that lets you do it. Log in to immi account and click on to your application . It takes you to where you see ''Application mail box". Just under the application mail box there is another tab called "update us", click it and then click on "notification of incorrect answers", once you press submit after putting in details, it automatically generates a form 1023. Hope it helps....cheers
  7. Hi Hcelgoog, Nothing to worry about that insurance letter, that was attached as I had no other formal evidence to show that my wife and me were staying together. Usually, I have seen joint accounts for utilities. But in my case, I just had this insurance letter. Just to remind you, I uploaded this document as I had one, nowhere in DIBP portal says that you need to prove that wife and husband are staying together, though.
  8. @ 29Aug887 Apart from the passport these are the docs that uploaded....hope it helps....cheers !!!! For me - Employment contracts 1 Payslip per month (although I get paid weekly) Tax Assessment Gas Bill for 1.5 years Rent agreements Statutory declaration for stay for 6 months. Marriage certificate Private insurance statement (u get it if u request for it from insurance company) Form 80 (filled in with all gaps in work, stay overseas etc clearly) Spouse Marriage certificate Letter from University for functional English Form 80 Kid Birth certificate (born overseas, 3 years now)
  9. Thanks guys.... Yep 29Aug887 u were spot on mate. Few of my friends were asked PCC, so that's what made me think that I will have to wait. But it just happened. 29 is not so far btw !!!!
  10. GRANT RECEIVED !!!!! I know u guys have my dates in the list. But to remind new members. Applied - 23 Aug 2016 Direct grant - 18 Nov 2016 (around 12 noon) Thank you all of you members, for the valuable feedback and information provided. Please feel free to shoot in any questions you may have in mind. Hoping to hear some more good news from the forum...cheers !!!!
  11. CO to asylum seekers!!!!! I am not buying that plot people. If we look into the stats in last few grants received, people had to wait for just over 90 days, now how come things can change upside down in no time, these process are not done overnight. I understand that few of our forum members are waiting a little longer than projected time, but that doesn’t mean that we start buying any stories heard from unknown sources. And guys let me remind you that lawyers and agents are also treated like us through online system, I don’t think there is any disparity. So I suggest you guys not to panic, But hold on to your hopes. If you have uploaded docs as asked by CO, you are in the right direction. After all that’s all we can do to get there.
  12. Hi mate.....technically they shouldn't ask for a PCC, as you or your spouse have never left Australia after first entry. But if possible get one, you never want to give them a chance. Awaiting applicants, hope to hear some good news this weekend !!!!!
  13. The PCC validity is only for 6 months from the date of issue. So I don’t think that’s a good idea to upload the old PCC. But as I am going to my country, I can get one faster while I am there. But as my planned date of travel is in December, if CO asks for it NOW….I will have to explain my situation and will have no other options!!!
  14. Hi 29Aug887 thanks for the info. I know as per forum list I am the next in line. But to be honest I am not actually expecting a grant till Jan end. As I have not submitted my overseas police clearance. And will not be able to submit one till Jan end, as I will be overseas till then. But wouldn't say no if they offer me PR with the given docs.... And to clarify august, I am a HE !!!!
  15. thnx 29Aug887...the link just says Application received - processing commenced but the date shows the day when I applied PR....so not really sure, which stage it is.
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