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Posts posted by redwing

  1. If anyone has any boxes especially smaller ones (half a tea chest size) I'm struggling to find any suitable to put my books in. I have 10 bookcases of books so this is a real problem. I move a week on Friday Argh! Hopefully the power will stay on tonight so I can do some more packing!


    I have loads of empty cardboard boxes from our move. If you want them send us a PM

    I live in Lyndoch

  2. Hi folks,

    We have bought a property in the Barossa Valley and will be breaking the lease on our rental at the end of November. It's a 4bed 2bath double garage place in Hewett @$360/w.

    Anyone interested in taking over lease please PM me for details.

  3. Hi Guys

    A bit of advice needed

    I have recently received my tax rebate from the UK, great, but am I wrong in thinking that one should get back the tax one paid for that particular tax year and not just overpaid tax? I was always under the impression that if you leave the UK to live abroad you can claim all your income tax back for that tax year you leave in?

    Thanks in advance


  4. Hi guys

    I live in the Gawler area, does anyone know where I can get rid of all my household garbage. the problem is that we have been in this particular rental for the last seven weeks and we still have no rubbish bins (we were promised them the first week).

    The problem being that it is a new house and the landlord and rental agent have not got their act together to get the bins from the council so we have got loads of rubbish bags pilling up in the garage. My wife dosn't want me to take them to a tip but now we have no option as its becoming a health hazard.:embarrassed:

    Thanks in advance


  5. My wife and I are here on the 457 visa,(my wife arrived last June and I New Years eve) however there was a little clause added to this visa late last year that stipulates that one has to be under 45 when applying for PR.

    My wife was under 45 when she went for the interview in London and applied for this type of visa and at the time we were told when the time comes she would have no problem in getting PR.

    How times change in such a short period of time. My wife has even rang up the imigration people about this and there is nothing they can do. As its now stands we would be forced to leave after four years. Are we down hearted yes and no as we see it as one door closes another one opens. Luckily we have not bought any property here.

    In fact we are of to New Zealand next week end for a three weeks holiday and a good look around as we are now adament we will be going over there as they are open for anyone under 55.

    My little story is for those who are in the wrong age group ie above 45 and on a temorary long term visa. Please do not fall into the same trap as we did.

    Plese xcus te spelin.


  6. Thanks guys, we have moved in this afternoon and so I will go around and measure the windows that need blinds and tomorrow ask the estate agent if the land lord is going to provide or subsidise us getting them fitted. We will make a trip to Ikea

    Its only when one moves in that you realise what you need, eg no plugs for any of the sinks or bath and please don't laugh :biglaugh:the reverse cycle ac unit instructions, in the previous rental we just had a wall mounted unit, easy, either on or off.

    Ah well time for a beer or two.



  7. Hi Guys

    We are moving to a new rental tomorrow and only noticed yesterday when I had picked up the keys and went to the house that there were no blinds in the en-suite, toilet or main bathroom and kitchen. The blinds and curtains that are there are only 1/2 size they do not cover the whole window, the thing is that when we went around on the open day it was an ex show house and one does not notice these things. So who is responsible for the curtains and blinds as it is not mentioned in the rental contract.

    Thanks in advance :notworthy:


  8. Hi all. We have been talking about moving abroad since August and we have met mixed views from our families. Which I guess is to be expected but one party in particular seems to be very negative about it all and its starting to get to me. My Dad lives about a 4 hour drive away from me and we see him regularly but not necessarily frequently. Its about once every month or two at best and that is really only becasue he has been coming down here for other family commitments now they are nearing an end I wouldn't be surprised if this became less frequent. So its not as though he is around the corner and in the kids life all the time. I know that his comments probably stem from being removed even further from his grandchildrens life. But he has travelled a lot and we never really saw my grandparents when we were little because he moved us where we had to be for his work so I can't see why he can't give us the same freedom.

    I saw him at New Year and they asked 101 questions which I don't mind but it did feel like an interrogation. Now me and my husband have done a lot of research, I will admit that we are probably slightly blinkered and naiive as to what it all involves, but equally we are not silly and we feel we have grasped a good idea of how life would work for us out there. We have no misconception of Utopia just another country to live in and it will still have the same ups and downs as the UK, but hopefully with a better lifestyle.

    Todays offerings were telling me he had been in contact with some friends down under and that they were surprised I had chosen Adelaide as it was so close to the desert and the summers got very hot (yes we know that) and that the cost of living whilst low (um actually I thought the general consensus was that it was more expensive) the wages were also low and the taxes high (My husband is a chef and the average wage out there is twice what he earns over here and we have worked out the tax and child benefits we oculd recieve and it appears very favourable, if we are right) but then he mentioned that Chefs jobs aren't often permanant out there (yes but there are plenty of caasual cheffing jobs and hubby is happy to flit til a permanant job comes up) grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr he then topped it off with not trying o be negative?????? Then there was a text last week saying hope you are not watching "deadly down under" guessing it was about beasties etc.

    My husband is starting to get really narked and I can see him saying something soon. So for the sake of family harmony how do you deal with someone who does not necessarily think you are doing the right thing ??????


    Hi I'm the opposite to your situation, I'm in my mid fifties, arrived here New Years eve leaving behind two children albeit 30 & 32 and three grand kids the youngest only six weeks old and believe you me it hurts when I think about not playing with them.

    I to lived about five hours drive away from them, me in East Anglia they in the North West and only saw them may be two or three times a year. When I told them well over twelve months ago that we were moving to Adelaide it was shock and disbelief but they realised they had to accept it and in the end understood our reasons for emigrating. As others have said you have to lead your own life and do what is best for you, hubby and your children. I'm sure your dad will come to accept it wish you all the luck in the world.

    Good luck with your venture I sincerely hope it all works well for you.


  9. Thanks for all your replies. As long as we can negotiate another 6 months rental I am happy for the $5 increase. Just to cheer up you good folks, because of the heavy snow fall during the night I was stuck in the traffic jam (3hr wait 6am to 9am) on the A14 in Suffolk this morning trying to get to work for my last day, we where diverted of the road and I had to go back home and go down to the train station, finally got into work at mid day. Boy looking forward to the warm weather when I get there.

    Many thanks


  10. Hi guys,

    We are currently living in rental accomodation and the lease is up at the end of the year, which initially was for 6 months, the land lord wanted 12 months but we requested and got the 6 months. Now the estate agent has contacted us saying the land lord wants us to sign for 12 months and wants put the rent up by an extra 5 dollars a week does'nt sound much but better in my pocket than his.

    My questions: is it normal for the land lord to request more rent or is he trying it on? Can he demand 12 months rental or is it still negotiable?

    If push comes to shove we will look for another rental.

    I'm still in the UK its my wife who is deeling with the problem, I only came back to the UK to sell up but will be back in Adelaide new years eve.

    Thanks in advance:)


  11. Hi

    My wife and I travel to Aus next week on a 457 visa, we to are not entitled to OAA but alowed the meet and greet service which we have taken up, we have booked in a hotel for a couple of nights and then in a holiday villa for a couple of weeks and hopefully in that time we can secure a longer term rental.

    Hope every thing goes o/k for your selves.



  12. Hi

    Nice to see that there are some saints fans around

    I'm from St Helens, born and bred but now live in lovely Suffolk, always followed saints, went to Wembly the last couple of years watching them.

    We are due out in mid June, looking for some where to stay North Adelaide area.

  13. Thanks for that Andy will loook at the said appartments.

    Where are you looking to eventually live? We are looking around Gawler or Adelaide Hills as we are not realy beach lovers?

    Good luck with your adventure.


  14. Hi All

    We have finally been granted a visa after waiting for over 12 months- yipee:D

    Hope to land in Adelaide 26-27 June after a short stop over in Sydney.

    Unfortunately we are not entitled to OAA :sad: therefore would welcome any suggestions on accomodation for when arriving and then short or long term rental after that.

    My wife will be working at the Lyell Mcewin hospital so we would be looking at rentals in the North Adelaide area even as far as Gawler.

    Any help would be welcomed.



  15. Hi Tina &Jo

    My partner has secured a job in intensive care at the Llyell McEwin hospital and is currently having her registration processed after the long delay from the Nursing Board here.

    We to are looking for the better places to live in Adelaide but as you probobly know what is good for one is not necessary good for another.

    We are of to the Ausie Expo Fair on Sunday in London to see what is available for me. I work for Networkrail but somehow I cannot see them having any vacancies on their railways but I don't mind going over there first and then look for work.



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