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Posts posted by chrisfen46

  1. I've been here nearly 15 years and don't mind working with Aussies at all, yess some of the working practices can be different but I've met idiots from accross the globe mate, quite a few Poms to be honest as well - especially those that do not "get" living here.


    I will agree with tyke ,I work mainly with aussies have no problem ,a lot of poms move here and think they are better than anyone else here .I have met a lot of bloody snobby poms since been here not stayed friends with any of them .

  2. I'm with you Chris. Support what you say. You do get a few decent people but most are real housos.Must be total hell for you. Like you say the suburb is growing and theres no way to stop undesirables from moving in. But its not the whole suburb.pity that a handful of dossers can spoil everything.


    the one thing that is annoying me is we would have stayed here as the house s great the landlord has been brilliant , but my wife has been told to F!!! Off and also she is a C!!! By a 11 yr old my kids have been told that they are C!!!s . So time to move on I think .

  3. Chris,

    It can be anything.

    If it is VERY good property, some agents even do not communicate applications to the landlord, telling them there is "no interest".


    They drive the rent down and put their friends or friends of their friends in.


    Sometimes it is a reservations landlord has about you. If you say have three year old and property has new carpets, very often you get carpets stained with ink and paint and urinated all over. Which tells the landlord that all the rent you pay actually would be spent on reno after you leave.


    If you say have a family of three and are trying to get into 6 bed house - this is often tell tale sign that you will sublet part of the house (to people with the bad tenant record). Or you need a big property to run a business. Which means for landlord that if any of your clients on the property get injured, landlord might get sued.


    Tell me what your situation is, and I will tell you what is the source of concern and how to get around it.


    Hi there notpom we are a family of 4 myself 51 my wife 42 , and 2 boys age 5 & 6 we have been in the same rental for 3 yrs never had a bad inspection . Paid rent on time . Have written references and in permanent full time employment .

  4. I started this post to highlight the problems I was having in the area of seaford meadows not the whole of it. It's grown soo much in the 3 yrs we have been here and it's still growing . And will become more popular now we have a train to the city . I will stand by what I have written regardless of the few posts that gave criticised me . I don't do drugs not to I sympathise with anyone who does it's free choice , yes addicts need help and support that goes without saying , But don't just dump doneone on a housing estate with these issues and expect them to conform to society , give them the support and help that they need , but that where it all falls apart as there appears to be non exsistant . And it's people like myself that end up at the sharp end of the stick . The last example of this was 12.30 am Saturday morning , my wife woke up to the sound of a child in the street crying , she went out to find a 2 yr old wondering the street , my wife and a neighbour took the child I called the police who came out , managed to find where the child came from , it was in the same street , we had never seen the child before , any way the father was the only one in didn't even know the child was missing , to high to notice , the child was handed back to the father , so far nothing else has happened , regarding follow up to the incident .

  5. You clearly mentioned the issues are due to housing trust. In some good parts of Adelaide, there have been drug related shootings with deaths.


    the problems you are experiencing are not due to the ownership of the house. There are many thousand decent trust tenants. There are also many thousand awful home owners.


    So yes, snobbish.

    you don't know so keep your comments to yourself !!!!
  6. All areas have to have a percehtage of affordable and trust homes. Whilst I feel for you having a bad neighbour, I find your post a bit snobbish.


    you can live in any area and have issues.

    Snobbish lol yea of course silly me nothing wrong with a bit of drug dealing and prostitution in your street! There me thinking I had morals !! So sorry

  7. Currently taking rego's down of the visitors then going to report to police , not sure who to get in touch with regarding reporting to trust housing. It's a shame for all the decent families that are living there .

  8. Well we have lived at the same address in Seaford Meadows for just under 3 yrs , It has been ok up until the last 3 months I would say , and sorry to say the. Area is going downhill due to the amount of Trust Homes , Apparently Sa Trust can have up to 40% of homes built at Seaford meadows now . We are coming to the end of our lease thankfully , Ido feel sorry for the many people that have bought houses on here , it is slowly building a bad reputation .

  9. Well spoke to estate agent yesterday , he said reason for extra viewing Of property was due to back log of work as they are very busy the extra viewing was scheduled as normal , our Application is still on top of the list and nothing to worry about , and he hopes to be In touch this week . Still bloody frustrating though .

  10. Hi just wondered if anyone else has had this happen, we went to a rental inspection on Monday only 3 others there we where only ones to put in an application , my wife spoke to agents today and all seemed ok he said application was ok and waiting to here from landlord this was lunch time today. Went on agents site tonight to find yet another inspection day is planned for next week, does this mean our application has been rejected???

  11. Of course you can find a rental if one is living o/s. It's not written in stone that you can't, however many agents will place an ad stating that prospective tenants must visit the accommodation first or verbally state these requirements upon receiving an enquiry. The brunt of rentals here are vetted by the real estate agencies. It has becomes costly for the landlord to find another new tenant should a present tenant wish to break a lease; also the agent and/or the property management company might lose a bit of cachet and consideration for the next lease renewal.


    So, yes, it can be done but prospective tenants can have more of an uphill battle via this modality. I don't know if it's considered a negative rather than a mere real estate reality.

    Nice one emmie that's exactly what we did with no problems .

  12. Hi all. We will be emigrating in January 2015. How easy is to obtain a rental agreement for a property prior to arriving in the country? Will real estate agents off this and assist you in helping you find a property? Many thanks.

    The simple answer to your question is yes you can secure a rental before you leave the UK its was easy . We did it and we asked the same question as you and guess what we got all the same negative comments , we researched the area we wanted to live in and went for it. Neither my wife or I had ever been to Adelaide before , So yes you can do it We Did it !! I am just saying you can do it a, as usual there are a lot of comments many of them negative from people who haven't done it .

  13. We have been here now for nearly 3 yrs we secured a rental with raine & Horne before we left the UK and we are still on it and have no intention of moving so the answer to your question is yes you can do it before you leave the UK ? at we had no problem had great help and advice from them all the way . We got the key the day we arrived moved in week later , saved heaps of money by not renting expensive holiday lets spent first week ant woodcraft caravan park .

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