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Status Updates posted by deli&paul

  1. Hiya, we went with John Mason. They seem to dominate the market and the price was good too.

    We required storage and I managed to get them to agree to 6 week free, our container was shipped early August and is due to arrive Adelaide this wednesday(i have been tracking the vessel all the way) we insured with Letton Percival who were very competitive and easy to deal with, we did it all via email and the guy I dealt with was very helpful.

    Have you sold your house? We didn't manage to sell, so have rented it out since May (we moved in with family to save some extra cash)

    I am sure you have most things covered but If there is anything else I can help with, dont hesitate to ask, we know how daunting it is.

    Still cant believe you live in Royton too, I bet we have passed each other in the street many times. Lol

    Adele x

  2. Hi Denise,

    Remember me?? your Elaine's friend Adele.!

    Just to let you know we got our VISA Granted 9th Feb so hoping sell the house and be heading over to Adelaide soon.

    Hope you and you lot are well and everything still going well for you all. Elaine said your mum & dads friends from Perth are looking at relocating to Adelaide.. could come in handy for babysitting for you. lol

    I will keep you updated on when we may get over, could arrange a meet up after we arrive.

    Speak soon

    Adele x

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