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Everything posted by Beanbear

  1. It is very hard as there is usually at least one member of the family (in our case my in-law) who is against the move. Your son will find the move difficult if he has particularly good friendships, but he is so young that a couple of months (possibly weeks) in school and he will have a whole new bunch of friends. Sign him up for lots of sport and the social circle widens further, then there's scouts etc.. You are the parents and you obviously decided this was in the best interests of your whole family and I'm sure it will be. So grit your teeth and keep your eye on the bigger prize! Most kids are so adaptable and if he has good friends he is obviously the sort of kid who will fit right in.
  2. Beanbear


    I would really recommend rats as pets. My daughter had one for her birthday and it is the friendliest most interesting rodent you can imagine. I had mice, hamsters gerbils etc as a kid and would say the rat is so much better. He is much better tempered than a hamster and really enjoys company rather than tolerating it. They are also a bit more robust for handling.
  3. Thanks Judi, that was really helpful. the posts seem positive about the area. Does anyone who lives in the North-East suburbs have opinions about schools both primary and secondary. Feel free to pm if the info is sensitive. thanks in advance
  4. Hi, Before we commit to buying we would like to explore the option of other areas (although we are very happy where we are,) so would like opinions of the north-east i.e Highbury and surrounding areas. Anyone who lives that way can you tell me what it's like in terms of schools, transport etc.. Much appreciated, :)
  5. Beanbear

    Rental needed

    Have sent you a pm
  6. As I understand it on any of the provisional or temporary visas you are not entitled to a loan, and you would be charged international fees at a university - you may get charged a lesser amount at a TAFE if the course is not over subscribed. You will also be entitled to reciprocal medical care (ie care in an emergency, or ordinary GP care - some medical centres may charge a fee which you claim part back from.) If the 475 is the same as the old 495 then you get no other assistance like family allowance, FHOG etc until you have pr.
  7. Hi All, I am doing Avon over here so if anyone wants to get hold of the product send me a pm - it is particularly effective against mossies and the QLDers swear by it. The best way to do it is not to buy the moisturiser or sun lotion which contains it (they are quite small quantities) but to buy the bath oil and make it up in a spray bottle - one half water and one half oil. Have been selling a lot of this already this summer.
  8. You have to be really on the ball with this kind of agreement. You must get the solicitors to agree in writing that that is what they will push for. We asked for a 28day exchange and it ended up taking months as our buyer took a while to get her mortgage approval (as did her buyer) they also both used firms of solicitors who have a call room set up, so it's never the same person working on the case twice! If it is a simple chain, the buyer is in a good position, with mortgage arranged etc it can be done fairly quickly, but be prepared to sit on the phone and ask questions every day.
  9. Sounds great - am hoping I can perform the same miracle on my OH!! LOL (He is still to be convinced about our four-legged friends after a couple of 'incidents' from the past... What kind of dog did you get? And what did Judy get? Have not decided on a breed myself yet, so am open to suggestions/recommendations.
  10. Those who read the other yellow forum as well as this one might note that someone who has applied for the 887 with their spouse as secondary applicant has posted the details. Hope that reassures those still in any doubt.
  11. Did you try showing them the official letter that points out it's provisional and not really temporary? They shouldn't be able to discriminate against you. Might also be worth sending along proof of application for 887 if a job comes up that you really want.
  12. Beanbear

    He has a point

    What a superb quote, thanks for posting that. Oh and by the way have you still got supplies of your fab oil left? Am nearly out and will need to restock - perhaps at the weekend if you're about?
  13. Your facts are correct - either of you can complete the work requirement. As for the self-employed part, I did ask about that ages ago and it was a bit more complicated. You can do it, but there's more to prove in terms of hours worked etc. You would need to ask about the details by phoning DIAC as I wouldn't want to give you wrong info! Nick I think you're right and the wires were well and truly crossed between your question and their answer. I suppose it depends on which individual you speak to as to whether they're listening properly.
  14. Are you going to give us the details of who you spoke to? Instead of belittling what I say we should surely be concentrating on tracking down and outing the perpetrator of the useless and wrong information. That would surely help others from being mislead? Or you can cling on to what you've been saying - remind me, why would that be again? Surely it is in your best interest that what I'm saying is right, as it offers you another avenue for pr?
  15. I know it's a lot to have to pay out when you haven't even got work yet. Make sure you have all your University transcripts to provide them with - it was getting these that held up mine.
  16. It doesn't matter what job the spouse does. It doesn't have to be on any list, they will not be having a skills assessment, they will just be doing the work element of the original visa conditions. This is what I have had clarified three times. It also doesn't matter about individual circumstances. Everyone is treated equally and this information applies to anyone holding an SIR 495 visa (certainly from Jan '08 which is when we arrived. So you would be able to use your work hours if they are 35 hours plus. Oh and perhaps you could pm me the details of who you spoke to, as I would definitely like to ring and complain about the nonsense they are talking.
  17. I think you've missed the point really and maybe you've just been asking the wrong question - but then I'm confused as to why you're asking the question to DIAC at all when you have previously stated that you're alright anyway, what with your husband doing the work requirement?? It's not really about personal attacks, but as you say when people have a lot at stake and consult the forum for correct information, on which they might base important future decisions, it is essential that those who post are really sure of their facts. I am quite happy to give anyone who wants to pm me the details of who I spoke to in order that they might verify that what I say is true. The panic caused by this misinformation is very real to some, which is why it was so crucial to get to the bottom of it. This is why I phoned DIAC and Immi SA 3 times and had it confirmed. Perhaps you wouldn't mind revealing the names of the people you spoke to and the times so that interested parties can write and complain about it? I have no personal platform, I was just seeking to get to the truth, which I believe I have done. What you were saying just didn't make sense logically and now I know it to be factually incorrect. I wonder how you could have got it so wrong and why you continue to want to worry people?
  18. Once again I have phoned DIAC and was told what I said earlier today by a different person. I am not going to waste any more of my very precious time on this - I strongly recommend that you give it up now. As you said in an earlier post it doesn't even matter to you anyway, as your husband was the main applicant - not quite sure what you are gaining from this. Isn't the forum supposed to help people rather than scare them witless? :arghh: Nick11 will pm you later with the details of both earlier DIAC enquiries, don't have time now as I'm late for work once again!! But am sure we are all in the clear.
  19. Phoned first thing this morning and spoke to a guy who checked and double checked. Happily the news was as I originally thought - couldn't imagine that they would send people from the immigration department to a new migrants info session and lie to them! The spouse can do the work requirement and then can become the main applicant for the 887 visa. They will not be required to do a skills assessment as one will have been done for the original main applicant and it is not needed again (even though the applicants have swapped places so to speak.) I hope no one introduces more panic over this subject as it has caused real worry at this end, and although I was convinced that what I had always been told must be right, it is still scary until you get the pr, particularly when you are halfway there and fear that it may have been time wasted etc.. I'm sure nobody intended to stir up a hornet's nest, however people must check their facts and be clear about exactly which visa they are referring to (the rules can be different accordingly). Hope all the 495ers who were upset about this have a better night sleep tonight!
  20. Am really struggling with this. Have just been on the phone to immigration SA as DIAC are closed for the day. The guy there said that what I had been told originally was true - i.e. if the secondary applicant meets the work requirement in order to apply for the 887, then they would not need a skills assessment. If they had been working at Hungry Jacks (which was an example given at the migrant info session) what would their skills assessment be for? Who exactly has said that they do need a skills assessment? in what? and at what stage? I think that someone has their wires crossed here and I hope to God it's not me. The secondary applicant only becomes the main applicant for the purposes of the 887 visa, which would not require them to have a skills assessment. They would only have to have complied with the original terms of the visa 495 i.e. to have lived in a regional area for 2 years and to have worked full time for a year.
  21. http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=1478&languageId=1&contentId=-1 Although this info is for Victoria the broad principles remain true for all states.
  22. That is not true. You can satisfy the work requirement - either partner- in any profession, as long as you do it full time for a year out of the first two years.
  23. It can be either partner, who can fulfill the work requirement. We are on the SIR and I went to the new migrant info session back in February and they made this abundantly clear. My OH is half way to completing our time and he was not the main applicant.
  24. Beanbear


    Hi, Just wondered if anyone has built from scratch (i.e without one of the house and land companies). We are seriously thinking about this option and would like a reality check! What was the cost like? How long did it take? Possible pitfalls? Any relevant info gratefully received. :v_SPIN:
  25. Thanks for that. Will send you a pm.
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