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Posts posted by richjop

  1. and these are the guidelines I have been given.


    Children are entitled to one morning of pre-kindy the term before they turn 4, Josh will be 4 in December so he will start pre-kindy term 4 which runs September to December. This is a 2 hour session 8.45-10.45am on a Friday and the cost is approx $35 per term.


    Children are then entitled to 4 sessions of kindy, the one we will be attending does two am sessions and 2 pm sessions, they run 8.45-11.30am or 12.15-3.00pm but this will be dependant on the one that you choose. The cost is approx $80 per term. I've not heard of that many that do a full day unless its at special request.

    The alternative I have is an ELC (Early Learning Centre) that is attached to the school Josh will be attending but the cost is $40 per day, session runs 8.45-3.00pm and there is a minimum of 2 days a week take up so works out far more expensive but cannot see any real difference in what they offer, this tends to be used by working parents as a form of childcare.


    Children start school at approx 5, the cut off dates for the school we go to is start of May to end of April but it tends to be a little more fliud than that as it is a private school and some children in Bens class have elected to start a year early but again this depends where you go.


    At the moment I use the local playgroups, of which there are many, to socialise. I have a great choice because I am very near the city and so the area is densely populated, the further out you go with less people there may not be such a choice. Generally I pay $2 and take piece of fruit for a session that lasts 2 hours and depending who runs it there may be a structured activity or its general play, play dough, little cars etc, dress up, books, drawing are pretty much always on offer, next week on Tuesday we are making pizza! Most playgroups around here use the churches for their facilities but people from all walks of life attend!


    There is far less emphasis on starting learning early over here and its taken me a while to get used to but have found that my boys (one in school, one not) are absolutely thriving as they are being allowed to play and just generally be children, not testing, not school league tables, suits me fine as their learning is through discovery and action rather than sitting learning at desks (which they also do) eg Bens school went to the Markets for a trip the other day and just spent the day tasting and touching food, no particular link into the curriculum but a fun day out.


    Hope this has given you a general idea, as I say it really depends on where you to what hours are offered etc. Any other questions, just shout out!

  2. i had lessons and the guy was 1st class..just i dont have the chemical in my brain which tells me to stand up!!! hes name is mark orr ( surf culture ) based in seaford 83272802....i think thats the number



    Ben and I had a surfing lesson today with Surf Culture. We met at Moana at 10 but there was no surf so drove down to Goolwa where it was really good. It was $40 for 2 hours including softboards and wetsuits. We had about 5-10 mins of practice on the beach then out for an hour or so then a bit more back on the beach.


    Goolwa is a great place to learn as you can go out quite a long way and still be in your depth and the waves were pretty regular. The instructor was great with Ben and had a couple of one on one sessions with him. He thought it was brilliant and can't wait to go next weekend. If you have 4 sessions you only pay for 3, so you get 8 hours for $120.


    Mind you the day became a bit more expensive as I got nicked for speeding - 91 in a 70 at the end of the expressway and now have a £300 fine. Seemed a bit steep - Is it more on a public holiday?

  3. We are very near the city, Richard works on the city for an Oil Company, we have two boys of 7 and 3. Where are you planning to end up, as you will have discovered Adelaide is a very diverse city and the people in the area that you are aspiring to will be the best help. If you are planning to stay around here then by all means pop round and meet the horror that is Josh!!!!!

  4. this time last year Richard was on a reccie and sorting out a job and you were just moving over. He had your phone number but just didn't have time to call.....we were really worried when he returned to the UK and it seemed ages before your first post. I have been following what you have said closely and you seem you have really got the balance, good on you. You never know, our paths may finally cross one day!!! Take care and keep enjoying that red wine-remember you have to sample every single local one, only another 500 or so to go for me!

  5. but a couple worth mentioning:

    Christmas Day chasing fish on the beach

    Watching the surfers at Middleton whilst having lunch

    Our first Aussie barbeque invite

    Drinking red wine with good friends and having to put ice in it to cool it down!!!!!

    Parking in the City for 20c at the weekend and just going for a wander along the Torrens


    The list could go on....


    Its not paradise but its a pretty good place for us to be!

  6. There seems to be pretty much everything here re schools, we live very near to the City so I can only comment on these, other members please fill in the gaps for their areas. We have chosen to send Ben to a small private Lutheran school that is a feeder for a school called Concordia that has a good all round reputation. There are many different schools, some just do primary, some are mixed, some single sex, some not too expensive others very expensive (Scotch is nearly $20,000 a year in the final years). I think what you need to do is ask yourself the following questions:


    Single sex or mixed?

    Reception-year 12 or move at year 6/7?

    Any particualr religious aspect required?

    Location you are planning to live in Adelaide-people will drive quite a way for schools

    How much are you willing to pay?

    Any particualr specialist areas, sport, music?


    I'm sure there are others, its early in the morning!!


    Once you have a better idea hopefully it will seem less daunting and people will be able to point you in the right direction. As I have said many times, I'm a great believer in going into the schools and getting a feel for them, we were impressed by small things such as the principal knowing all the children by name and the respect they gave him.


    Hope this helps



  7. Some TVs work, some don't but its all easily resolved by buying a digibox from KMart for approx $40/50 and then you get a few extra channels thrown in-a bit like a freeview box. I'm not technical but have been told it is do with the frequencies they transmit on we had a brilliant picture but no sound on our UK TV but now works fine (the fact it was too small means its a second TV but still all good). Don't sell unless you have to!!!!

  8. As Angela says the Hills could mean many things to many people, we live in the City of Burnside (Glen Osmond) and this is seen as the foothills but then we went to Nepenthe today which is a vineyard in the Hills (near Verdun, highly recommend a leisurely afternoon there) and that is way out towards Hahndorf. I have friends that live in Blackwood and some in Stirling, some in Crafers, all of this is hilly-and then of course you have places down south that are hilly and places in the North that are hilly!!! Sorry, not much help, its a bit like saying I'd like to live in XXXX select a county in the UK, so diverse that you need to see it and get a feel for it.

  9. I have a lovely Australian plumber who is coming next week to install my bath (yippee), I can ask him what qualifications are needed etc and what the work is like. As Tyke has already said, there does seem to be a shortage of good reliable tradespeople but if you live near the city like we do you wouldn't believe the number of people doing 'renovations' it seems to be a national pastime!

  10. I have a lovely Australian plumber who is coming next week to install my bath (yippee), I can ask him what qualificatiosn are needed etc and what the work is like. As Tyke has already said, there does seem to be a shortage of good reliable tradespeople but if you live near the city like we do you wouldn't believe the number of people doing 'renovations' it seems to be a national pastime!

  11. Hi Alan


    I have been over here for about 8 months now and brought my bike over - it is huge here at the moment - combination of summer and Tour Down Under.


    I joined a triathlon club and they have a couple of rides on a saturday from the city - normally a long one into the hills and a flat one across to the coast then down to Glenelg for a coffee and back (around 50k). On a typical saturday you will see several hundred riders out from individuals to groups of 30+. If I don't do this ride I generally head up to Mt Lofty which is about a 40k round trip from the city, pretty much all uphill (you go past the Eagle on the Hill Mountain Bike which I haven't been to yet which has heaps of tracks) Apart for the last couple of kms, it is all on the Crafers Bikeway which is separated from cars.


    Take a look at www.bikesa.asn.au which covers on and off road cycling.


    There are lots of bike paths around but you have to be a bit careful as the drivers don't tend to look out much. I would say it is no less safe than cycling in the UK but most of my riding has been nearer the city and into the Adelaide Hills. There is a separated bike path along the southern expressway as well, though I haven't used it.


    Car drivers attitudes vary - some give you a wide berth, some will throw things at you (my mate had a small esky thrown at him last saturday, but most probably haven't seen you as they are on the phone.


    There are hundreds of bike shops around and they are all very helpful. Prices seem a bit high compared to UK. Most people tend to order online from UK. Companies like www.probikekit.com will deliver in a week or so.


    It's probably worth doing a search of local bike clubs in the area you are looking at and sending them a mail or going on their forum - they will almost certainly be very helpful.



  12. its always a very subjective view in regard to what is the 'best'. The couple I have stated are ones that the Australian people we have met would regard as a 'good' place much the same as someone would state that Kensington/Chelsea is a 'good' neighbourhood-they may never have lived there! Whether they match everyones needs is a completely different matter because everyone wants different things. The fact that they are perceived as desirable is reflected in the prices!

  13. Best neighbourhoods-Unley, Burnside, Mitcham-can't go far wrong with these but expensive

    Restaurants-not been to that many but the ones I have visited were excellent, Tap Inn and Goodlife pizza excellent, Hutt Street, O'Connell, Melbourne Street to name a few good areas...

    Bars-not my forte (small children) but the Tap Inn has an indoor golf range!

    Schools-where do you start, we have everything here ranging from Scotch College, Mercedes, Prince Alfred etc to small state schools, all seem to be pretty good and its just a matter of choice where you send them, we have chosen small private which is excellent

    Entertainment-all very accessible, Miss Saigon was fantastic, mum and dad rocked to Lionel Richie, my husband despairs at the 20/20 standard but enjoys it and tries to watch Adelaide United when he can, I want to see Duran Duran and James Blunt(bit sad I know), all this within a 10 min drive of our house, and you can park!!!!

    Outdoor-friends with a barbie, vineyards for a plate of cheese, beaches for a splash and fish and chips, Belair for a close encounter with a koala/emu, the Hills for a wander, it goes on...

    Kids entertainment-depending on age, sport, Beach House at Glenelg, playgroups, skate parks, play areas, beach etc

    Shopping-the City itself has everything you need, Burnside for 'posh shops', Unley for your everyday needs, Central Markets at the weekend, Marion for an air conditioned day out, local supermarkets seem to have pretty good quality stuff too

    Trips outside the City-Barossa, Victor Harbor, Murray Mouth, Normanville, Middleton, Harndorf, Hills Vineyards etc


    Hope this helps!



  14. Had lunch there over Christmas, take elasticated trousers as the food is fab, go for the mixed plates to share and try the dukka with olive oil and bread, its fab. Have a lovely time and don't worry if you think that its the end of a dirt track, you'll get there. Take your cameras aswell because the building is lovely and there are Aussie animals to see. Can't wait to hear all about it!!!!

  15. Blackwood and Goodwood are very different....

    Goodwood is very near the city, look at realestate.com.au as there are lots of rental properties around although may be a little more than your budget due to the location. My friend rents there and she says its a nice enough place, quite a mix of people and has a laid back feel to it.

    Blackwood is more like a small town up in the hills. It will be cheaper up there, again have a look.

    Once you have decided on an area we will be in a better position to give advice. Good luck.

  16. Ben goes to a Lutheran school not for any religious reason and it is no more so than the CoE primary he went to in the UK. From what I have seen being a Lutheran is all about the community and caring for others and so there is a very strong family element within the school. The reason why we chose it, and the area is that we wanted to be near the best schools in Adelaide and near the city. It ticked all the boxes as far as special needs teaching was concerned (Ben is highly intelligent and has few probs because of it) and it was small, we found that a lot of the schools around here have a 4 or 5 class intake per year-that will differ across th whole of Adelaide-so we are very happy with our choice. Schools were the number 1 priority when looking for an area and Richard looked at so many, what clinched it for us was the fact that when he looked around every single child was happy and occupied at recess time and the sports teachers were voluntarily playing with the children, a bit different to the surly teachers standing around with their hands in their pockets that we were used to!!!! One thing that may be of some use is that although Ben is extremely clever we decided to put him in a class where he was the oldest rather than the youngest because its a hard move for children and if they struggle as soon as they get here with schoolwork and friends then things can be very difficult, we let him cruise for the first two terms and then things will ramp up next year-worth considering, works for some not others....

  17. Did one of these a little while ago but I always enjoy posts like this from other people so thought I would add another...its a long one I'm afraid....



    We have bought a lovely house in Glen Osmond so very close to the city in the leafy suburbs. Housing was more expensive than we were expecting but have a house that we would never have been able to afford in the UK and the pool we always wanted. There are far more traditional houses than I expected and that adds a lot of characterton the area, the trees are full of parrots and other noisy creatures and everything has a great feel to it.



    Richard works for a mining company based in Newcastle but they have a foundry in Kilburn so currently works there. We really underestimated the amount of interstate travel that he does, and this seems to be an accepted part of work in a senior management position in Australia so we are getting used to it. He was offered a job yesterday for a huge Adelaide based company who are also going to sponsor us after a probation period so work is going v well indeed!!!!



    Ben goes to a small private Lutheran school and they have been fantastic, people are very friendly and everyone is on first name terms, takes a bit of getting used to but feel very relaxed about the whole thing-he is thriving


    Fun for little ones

    Josh is 3, we could go to several playgroups a day but have restricted ourselves to 4(!!!!) so his social life and playdates is very full. Everyone is so friendly and helpful when you arrive, I'm busier than I have ever been!


    Food, shopping etc

    More expensive than I was expecting but such a choice, I still try to shop daily if I get the chance and the quality is high-Central Markets are a must if you can get there. We try to stick to local wines but with so many vineyards in SA that's not too hard, I'm trying to taste each and every one!!!



    Ben is the only English boy in the entire school so most of our friends are Australian, we have been welcomed into their homes and their social lives, socialising is more around the children than a pub but that suits us fine, there's always something to throw onto the barbie!!!.


    Missing people

    This is a odd one, I like to hear news from the UK but most people only want to hear our news and when you ask you get told 'oh nothing has changed' or its wet or cold or something. Some people have been jealous about what we have now so we don't bother with them anymore and Mum and Dad are staying with us so no chance of missing them!!!



    We love it, feel like we're on holiday every day and fingers crossed things continue this way . To all of you coming soon, its very hot so be prepared and for those still unsure, go for it, nothing ventured....

    Sorry for going on, hope I haven't bored you!

  18. Is a long way from the city but very pretty when you get there. Lots of development at thge moment so seems to have a permanent reporter down there from Channel 7 as there is a massive problem with building dust when the winds go through and everything gets covered ina fine layer of brick dust. Not that many amenities at the moment but seem to be coming with the houses going up. The dream of a cheap house by the sea seems to be rapidly disappearing in Adelaide, prices are rising very quickly so make sure you go to an area before you fall in love with it on realestate.com.au, as we always say on here, come, see and make a decision.

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