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Everything posted by Nellyinoz

  1. I was so full of hope and excitement..all I want to do is crawl under the duvet and never get out of bed...give the north of Adelaide a miss
  2. :arghh::arghh: I HAVE NO WORDS. UTTERLY SPEECHLESS at what I saw and witnessed in my travels around north Adelaide. Nothing could have prepared me for it. My car was side swiped in a supermarket..leaving a nice big dint, fights, people taking drugs openly in shopping centres, more shoplifting than I could imagine, people with serious mental health issues in need of medical treatment, woman shopping in their pjs at 2pm, people so drunk at 11 in the morning they were walking around with vomit over their clothes. Only take aways and charity shops and off licenses doing a roaring trade. I don't know know whether to laugh or cry. I am shaking..just typing this
  3. Nellyinoz

    Draughty houses

    I cant believe it can get that cold...are you serious
  4. Just starting to look at this....where to start! so much to see
  5. My partners area will be primarily Elizabeth downs but will be also based at Mansfield park...I am told it is about a 30 min commute. I get my wheels tomorrow so am eager to explore:biglaugh:
  6. G'day everyone My names elly and I have just arrived in Adelaide. I have been a lurker on here for a long time..so please be gentle. I have loads of questions to ask..but have no internet connection so am relying on the library. Hoping to secure a rental ..looking at Elizabeth and Mansfield park to be near my partners work.looking forward to making new friends:biglaugh:
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