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  1. Thank you for your reply. Yes an agent with experience of appeals would be good. i think he was suggesting that mum and dad would have passed the medical on application,but by the time their application was processed their health may have deteriorated as they were in their 80s. I think that the immigration have realised this, they withdrew the 804 visa for a while and since the they have reintroduced it but now the medicals are done at the beginning of the process rather than at the end.
  2. Thank you for your replies. I agree, and I need to secure mums long term future. The lady at the immigration last week took one look at mum and said she won't pass a medical!!! (In that case she would just go on a medical visa too) But to everyone else we think mum does well, she's independent and physically active. She did undergo a medical health check at the local GP to see if anything would come up. The GP thought she was marvellous and couldn't believe she doesn't need any medication. however, there was a trace of blood in her urine and scans show she has small cysts in her kidneys and pancreas, but it was decided as she is so well and doesn't have any symptoms to leave them alone and not do any further tests at this stage. I'm not sure how this would go with an immigration medical. im also worried about them going on a medical visa when there seems very little information available on how they work for applicants who fit into the "'over 50' and meet all the visa criteria except the health criterion' category." Does anyone have one of these visas?
  3. So my parents (82 and 84) have today had their 804 visa refused.They applied in March 2013 and dad took ill in October 2013. In September 2014 they requested medicals, but the Drs said that dad was too frail to undergo a medical. I emailed immigration and asked for advice on what to do, but they did not reply. The reason for refusal is that dad has failed to meet his condition of obtaining a medical within 28 days.Amazingly dad is still with us. Drs still say he cannot undergo a medical and every day is a bonus at this stage. We have lots of medical records to show these things have happened whilst he has been here, 17 seizures, a broken hip, catheterised.Originally when we applied we spoke to a nice man at DIAC who said not to worry if we failed a medical as we could then appeal on the grounds that they are aged parents and their health status can change while waiting for the application to be processed,The last lady I spoke to at DIAC recommended we apply for a medical visa.There is obviously a lot at stake. Which is the better option?Any advice gratefully received my head is whizzing.
  4. My parents (82 and 84) applied in March 2013. The man at DIAC told me it would be a while before medicals and if mum or dad didn't pass at that stage they could appeal on the grounds that their health had deteriorated during the waiting period. In October 2013 my dads health started to deteriorate and we had several massive events over the next two years. In October 2014 we were asked to provide medicals, unfortunately dad was in hospital, Drs also said he was too frail to undergo a medical and at that stage 'every day was a bonus'. I responded to DIAC stating that dad was not expected to live long and asked for advice, on what to do next, ie should mum proceed with hers?) They did not reply. I thought they were being sympathetic to our situation, so did not chase it. Expecting that dad would pass and then the application would continue for Mum. March 2016, Dad is 'high care needs' and I have given up work to care for him. Many times over the last two years he has been unconscious and not expected to live, but somehow he is still here. He is now catheterised, wheelchair bound and has alzheimers, chronic kidney disease and COPD. Last week their medicare cards were due for renewal. We went to medicare but were told we needed a letter for immigration. We went to immigration and the dept member stated that their 804 visa would be refused as we had ignored their request for medicals and only arrived today because we needed medicare. I explained that I had responded to their request asking for advice but had not had a reply, she said I was being unreasonable waiting so long for a reply I should have continued with the other items. She said that neither mum nor dad (just by looking at mum!) would pass a medical so the only option open to us was a medical visa. So we received our refusal letter yesterday, the same day dad was diagnosed with cancer. As far as I can see have two options: A. Appeal B. Apply for medical visa. I understand I need to act quickly, they have been given 28 days to leave. 21 days to appeal. But I don't know which would be the best option for them. Is the medical visa short term? Will the appeal just lead to a medical visa? if anybody has experience of either of these routes, I would be very grateful for the insight.
  5. So my parents (82 and 84) have today had their 804 visa refused.They applied in March 2013 and dad took ill in October 2013. In September 2014 they requested medicals, but the Drs said that dad was too frail to undergo a medical. I emailed immigration and asked for advice on what to do, but they did not reply. The reason for refusal is that dad has failed to meet his condition of obtaining a medical within 28 days.Amazingly dad is still with us. Drs still say he cannot undergo a medical and every day is a bonus at this stage. We have lots of medical records to show these things have happened whilst he has been here, 17 seizures, a broken hip, catheterised.Originally when we applied we spoke to a nice man at DIAC who said not to worry if we failed a medical as we could then appeal on the grounds that they are aged parents and their health status can change while waiting for the application to be processed,The last lady I spoke to at DIAC recommended we apply for a medical visa.There is obviously a lot at stake. Which is the better option?Any advice gratefully received my head is whizzing.
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