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Everything posted by Marcial99

  1. Thanks wrussell. If you don't mind, I want to ask regarding high points. My skill is under the high points category and just want to ask what is the minimum points required there to be eligible. Over 65? 70? 80? I have yet consulted any migration agent but under the points calculator I have around 70 already. Others said I have to get a high mark for an English test since my IELTS has expired but planning to take the PTE instead. I would appreciate if you can enlighten me more about this. Thank you very much.
  2. Hi, Good Morning. First of all, thank you for welcoming me to this forum. It is such an informative forum pertaining to migration topics. I am in the process of preparing all my documents to apply for the 489 visa. I have read the provisions and conditions of the said visa but I just want to ask if ever I am granted this visa, is it necessary that the job that I should have is under the skill that I am being nominated/granted? Or it can be any job as long as if you live in SA for 2 years and work full-time for 1 year on that time of a 489 visa? Hoping to hear from anyone of you the soonest. Thank you very much. Best Regards, Marcial Jr
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