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Everything posted by rachel31

  1. my husband has been through his spiders of australia book and thinks that it is probably a a flower spider and not venemous. we live by the rule, if its black kill it!!!!!( white tips and female red backs which are the ones you need to watch for) if its near the house move it carefully to the end of the garden, if it comes back then kill it!
  2. rachel31

    School Ages

    kids here have to be 13 to go to secondary school. My son was 13 in october so has gone in to year 8 here, starting on 28th. My daughter is 11 and has gone into year 6 although she completed year 7 in the uk. hope this helps, all the schools we spoke to were vey helpful. i,ve got a feeling the cut off here is dec 31st rather like uk August 31st but not sure.
  3. i booked with singapore airlines and my luggage was massively over ( i thought). The chap on the check in desk commented on how much stuff we had and i said we were emigrating. all that happened was he put " heavy" stickers on our luggage. i have found out since that if you have a visa stating you are emigrating then some airlines have some leniency. good luck with the move
  4. rachel31


    people say all sorts when they are sad, worried, nervous. i think your mate is gutted about you going and maybe a bit jealous too? she will have to adjust to a new life too with different mates maybe. think of all the things you will have to skype about. My kids had their share of wobbles too but we have been here 5 weeks and they love it here. It's the furthest place you could move too but only 24 hours on a plane and if you really hate it you can go back but what an opportunity for you all.................. pm me if you like and my kids will message you if that will help
  5. we took the kids to cleland which is at the top of mount lofty and it was fab. loads of animals and really hands on. hand feeding koalas and kangeroos etc, fab pics for grandparents back in the uk. i think you can get some kind of pass to go over and over again. A really lovely day out. rundle mall for shopping and the teddy bear shop is a must. enjoy exploring
  6. i flew out one way with singapore and they were very lenient at heathrow when i explained that i was leaving the uk forever and i thought that my bags were a " little bit over the limit". maybe they took pity on me and 4 small children but i didn't have any problems. Regardless of the luggage issue i would not fly with any one else now, the service was absolutely fantastic. hope this helps
  7. hello Michelle, how did you get on yesterday? hope it all went well, got fingers crossed for you, Rach xxx
  8. we were told that we all had to be named on the visa, people cannot be added on at a later date. this was for permanent residency visa, i don't know if they are all the same and we couldn't apply for the visa until we had the court order. don't know if this helps. How would your wife and kids get their visa?
  9. congratulations!!!!! isn't it a lovely feeling? we spent i don't know how long checking emails every morning and all of a suuden it was there. strangely enough my house was sold to some one i only knew vaguely after i met them in sainsburys and they mentiopned they were moving so tell eveyone !! it will all be ine
  10. hubby leaving uk mid september, me and 4 binlids arriving end of november. i am sooooooooo excited!!It is really nice to read everyones responses an eveyone is so pleased and positive when people progress with their application. feels kind of weird to think that i am a permanenet resident of australia while i am still working and living in the uk but i am telling everyone!!Thank you all for your messages
  11. lou and mark, we live just south of bristol and we paid just under £500 for 2 adult medicals and 4 children. this incuded bloods for me and other half and we did not have to pay extra for them to be sent off to DIAC but we also had to pay for chest xrays for everyone over 11. i think you have been swindled!!!!! we did shop around quite a bit though and rang each place for a quote.
  12. oh my goodness, visa approved this morning so we are now officially permanent residents of australia!! Can't wait to get out there, anyone from the southwest leaving here october/ november time?
  13. We had to get court order to take my kids out of the country and it did go in our favour but what a lot of stress involved to get one little piece of paper!!have you got a job to go to when you arrive? Any questions please get in touch and we will try to help as been through this ourselves in the last couple of months. Good luck Rachel(36) Rich(40) Sam(12)Hannah(11) Harry& Lucy(9)
  14. Havn't been on here for a while however in last 4 days we have got a visa caseworker, sold the house and visa application has landed in oz. :)Hubby looking to leave the uk in september with me and kids leaving in december. Just wondering if anyone knows what to do about travel insurance for the journey from the uk. Most places won't cover us as we are emigrating so not returning to the uk means we are not covered.smallest child a bit accident prone!! Any ideas greatfully recieved!! Can't quite believe its all happening so quickly, in 3 weeks we have to be out of the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. thank you for your post, would i be better off looking at mount barker maybe or areas outside of murray bridge?
  16. we are hoping to be in oz early september, does anyone have any ideas what the schools are like in murray bridge? needing schools for 1x13 year old, 1x 11 year old and 2 x8 year olds . don't really know where to start so any help greatfully received rach oz:unsure:
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