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Posts posted by Toni

  1. Where I work we hire a lot of staff through temp organisations like Entree. We've had some temp staff stay for 2-3 years. I've seen it help people get their foot in the door to more permanent work.

    I used to do temp work a while ago and loved it because if you didn't like being somewhere you didn't really have to give an excuse and just leave.

    This time of year we don't tend to take on staff and usually it starts up again towards the end of January early February.

    I work in government so that tends to be the way they operate.

  2. My vote is with the digital version. Used to get the book but last year got the digital one and used it a lot. The search function that shows you what is in the nearby area is great. Because the book is so big and heavy it was only good if you were planning to go out. This way you can use the vouchers spontaneously. Wouldn't go back to the book myself.

  3. Hi Star123 - I don't come on to the Forum much any more but your post really hit a chord with me. From an outside person listening to what you are saying the main thing I pick up is that your husband and you have drifted apart. I understand both your points of views. He has a right to his, as do you. While you are a couple you are also individuals and I think that the two of you have to work this out somehow. Have you thought of some sort of couple counselling? It forces you to listen to each other without interruption and I don't know about you but when I am in a heated situation, I can't really listen to the other point of view even if it makes sense.

  4. I am not sure who thinks of these "innovative" ideas. They must think the public are stupid. I still have the Everydays rewards card which I think you can use up until December before they phase it out completely. I might not make a lot of points towards a flight but I get enough to get a bit of a discount. We do a lot of shopping at Woolworths and BigW as it is our local shopping area but if they are not careful they could lose us for good.

  5. I don't think there is a clear answer to whether people will find a job or not. I am one of those people that believes that when one door closes another one opens. It's worked for me and my family all our lives and we have done ok out of it. Some people though want all the planets to be aligned and that is ok for those people because that is what they choose and they probably would be stressed any other way. A lot of the news out there for South Australia's job front isn't looking rosey that's for sure but there does seem to be a "rabbit" pulled out of a hat somewhere. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If anyone moves anywhere looking for a fullproof ironclad guarantee that it will work out then there your probably going to be disappointed. If you move thinking I have to give it a go and it doesn't - at least you have tried.


    For those that have moved back because it wasn't what you expected, at least you gave it a try. If you hadn't then you may still be thinking "what if".

  6. Keep looking Anne - you don't know what might come up and if you don't need something too large then you might be ok. There seems to be a new listing for two ground floor apartments at Christies Beach which have just come up for $205,000. I don't think we are allowed to post links otherwise I would put it on here.

  7. I think noisy neighbours are not on and if laws exist to not allow it then we should use our voice to express it - to the authorities. I own my home and I ain't moving. Our neighbours are pretty good, there is the occasional late, noisy party but we don't mind if it is an occasional one. We do have some noisy dogs in the area too but we don't like to complain about that because pets are so much of our families that I would hate to cause people grief over that.


    I heard of someone complaining about a noisy airconditioner (heating) which was new and I think that there should be some "standard" (if there isn't one already) that manufacturers have to abide by some standard as that wouldn't be fair to unsuspecting purchasers.

  8. I love the digital. I got it this year. In the past I've bought the book and while I got my money back on the $65 it is too bulky to take with you and so a lot of them went unused. The digital one for those who can have it on their phone is great. You can tap it and it will immediately pick the local offers nearby or within a certain area. I got mine online from the Seniors Information Service. Just paid on line and had it immediately.

  9. It annoys me too. Where is the data on what is spent by these "welfare rich" people. I would say that if you have children then you are getting those extra entitlements because you need them to pay for your kids needs. Once upon a time people felt they were entitled to the pension. I didn't realise it was a "welfare handout". I remember the days when superannuation wasn't compulsory and the normal labourer would get bugger all when they retired as their superannuation handshake wasn't like it is these days. (Although it is probably not a lot now either.) Once upon a time the pension was your "superannuation". You worked, you paid tax and it meant that this entitled you to the pension. These fat cat politicians have no idea about what it means to try make ends meet and they are probably trying to take the pension away from those who need it because they mismanage the taxes they collect - one might say for their extra perks,

  10. King William Road has undergone a huge transformation since the mid 80's when I moved here. Quite a number of shops were quite large and they have split them into two or 3 or have knocked down homes and built more. There has probably been an addition of 20-30 shops. There has always been a turn over of shops since I can remember even the ones that do well as there is a well known developer who owns quite a lot of them and the rents increase massively - so they usually move out and go somewhere else. I am not sure what shop you are talking about but some of the cafe type shops tend to close earlier in the cooler months but in summer the place still has that buzz and they are open till late. There is one place that I am very surprised that has closed. It's called Jones The Grocer - it used to have massive amounts of people having breakfast on weekends but perhaps it didn't do so well during the week. They have also extended the shopping strip to include a few healthy eating places. It is always interesting to see what will open up. At one stage there was a bedlinen store that opened there and they were having a "sale" and I went in and quilt covers were $200 on sale so that shop didn't last long.


    Also Goodwood Road which is not far at all from King William Road has really extended to include more interesting food shops/cafes so I think there is more competition there also.

  11. Hi all,


    Just wondering whether anyone uses AirB&B to rent out a spare room?


    Ive been considering it but can't figure out the legal implications!! We own our home, as opposed to renting.




    My accountant told me recently not to claim "office space and storage space (shed)" in my tax returns because that would be saying that I used part of the home to earn an income. When I checked on the ATO website it looked to me like what he was saying was right. (I am definitely not an expert and those things are hard to read - but if you are going to do it then get some good advice.)

  12. I have no idea how ppl can forget..... you still receive a letter to renew, you can have an app on you phone which puts alerts on you calendars (must p of have smart phones i believe) and you can set up auto direct debit so you are always paid up on time!!


    Seems some ppl are just lazy or plain dumb to me.....




    that's a bit unkind Dan. Some people have a lot happening in their lives and sometimes things slip their mind. We aren't all into aps. And sometime the old grey matter doesn't work 100% when you are trying to cram so much into your daily life. I guess that means I am plain dumb - by your standards. Hey ho

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