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Julie C

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Posts posted by Julie C

  1. 14 hours ago, Tamara (Homes Down Under) said:

    Just asked my OH about this (works at the paint desk at Bunnings and maintains our homes...sorry he can't help as he's off work poorly).

    This has happened to us many times! Will all depend upon how deep the scratches are (if deep then the door will have to be taken off...taken outside and sanded to avoid filling the house with dust). Is it plain pine, stained or painted? Painted would be easiest as you could lightly fill, prime and then paint. Stained would be the worst as getting a match is so difficult although pine changes colour (gets darker over time so it is difficult to get a good match with the repair without sanding and varnishing the whole door.

    I know a joiner / handyman based in the Flagstaff area but you would be looking at a cost more than anticipated...varnish takes time to dry so it's a nuisance job where the tradie is waiting for it to dry to get the second coat on. An exterior / interior door can't be taken home with him!

    Don't stress too much...it can all be sorted. Let me know if you need the handymans details? He's a Yorkshire Pom.

    Thanks for the info. The door is plain wood, not painted..... I have just found someone who is coming out to take a look in a couple of weeks .... hopefully he can fix it. It's not something I want to chance fixing on my own and then messing it up!

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