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Posts posted by trevorpayne

  1. I dont know if this is in the right section but Its my daughters Junior prom on Wednesday and she wants to look her best are there any hairdressers that would be interested in styling her hair.

    We live at Port Noarlunga Sth If anyone is available around 4 pm on Wednesday please let me know.

  2. The airport hotels are great and at a fair price I think its T3 that has the outdoor pool and pool bar.

    We had a similar time slot in between flights and booked into the t3. Our daughter made good use of the pool.

    The airports is something else I would of been happy to have my holiday there.

    All the best.

  3. The ones that live around noarlunga, Christies, Christies Beach,Seaford and Morphett Vale have a good Head contractor called Ron Oniel he makes sure that all his contractors do there job the best they can.

    I know this because I sort the parcels in a morning for the contractors and they all seem a pretty decent bunch.

  4. We have rented our property in the UK out.

    We also remortgaged and released some of equity this way.

    I have our advisers number if you wish to speak with him.

    We took our new mortgage on interest only, just for the simple reason that we would keep the house for around 5 years then sell hoping the exchange rate had risen and the housing market would have stopped falling .

    So far touch wood we have had two tenants both signed 12 month agreements with bonds our latest one wants to stay for a couple of years as her daughters only young and at the local school.

    To be honest I don't really think about the house anymore it looks after itself now and gave us the deposit for our new home in Ozz.

    I wouldn't mention emigrating so if you can have a relative let you use there address this will make things easier.

    I think Nationwide ask for the least information

  5. Depends on what you want.

    I think long term it will prove to be a good buy as they know they have to improve the infrastructure around Aldinga.

    I know there was recent talk of a business hub being created and the rail link is expected to continue down to Aldinga at some point.

    Have you looked at Maslin Beach this would of been my choice but the wife and daughter chose Port Noarlunga Sth. Personally I think its a lovely little area that doesn't look as if it can be developed too much more.

    Good luck.

  6. I dont know where you are heading for but we have used Century 21 and Southgates for our long and short term rentals, both have been fantastic.

    I know some one put you can find long term rentals quickly here which you can but as you are shipping your furniture over you will need to stay fully furnished.

    Our shipping was delayed by 2-3 weeks so we had to extend our stay in Aldinga ,which century 21 where very helpful with and let us use their office address for our post.

    As for your sums they seem pretty much on the mark.

    Good luck with your move.

  7. Never implied anyone was being rude or impolite.

    Just saying certain posts don't need constant policing.

    I understand and agree if it was not for the likes of yourself and other mods the site would not be anywhere near as good as it is.

    Personally I think monitoring in the back ground would be best on some occasions.

    Sorry for any offence I could of worded my previous post better.

  8. Infraction points we will be on report or litter duty next.

    If you have an opinion on a subject that's honest and worthy put up for people to read, surely its better to have a diverse opinion.

    If you want to be a Mod go for it.

    They say rules were made to be broken.

  9. To be honest I dont mind the weather at all.

    Prior to the last winter the 2 previous one were probably the severest I have known, the Uk was a total blanket of snow for weeks on end.

    I can't recall a bad weekend weather wise where we couldn't go out and do something, yes you get some heavy showers.

    Its only early spring and temps expected around 19-23 for next week and I think the mercury on hit 40deg 3 times last year.

    I will be glad when its a touch warmer and I can sneak the budgie smugglers on head down to the beach.

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