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  1. Hi, I'll be coming to Adelaide in January with my wife and 3 kids. My eldest son is a keen musician and plays electric guitar and bass. He has regular lessons here in the UK and we're keen for him to continue once we move. Do any members know of good guitar tutors in the Adelaide area? My son is 11 and his first love is rock music so it would be more of a modern orientated tutor as opposed to classical guitar that we would need. We're hoping to settle somewhere in one of the coastal suburbs if this helps narrow things down.... Thanks......Richard and Lucy
  2. Hi... We are in the process of getting out to Adelaide for Jan 2011. If there's one thing that keeps me awake at night it's the thought of finding good schools for my kids and then seeing how well they settle. I consider the kids happiness to be the real barometer for how successful our move will be. I'd be interested to hear any tips, experiences or good/bad stories about how well other Ex Pats kids have settled in Adelaide schools. We are in the process of finding schools now and would like a little inside knowledge on what to expect. Do the schools give the immigrant kids a bedding in period for example, or are they simply thrown in at the deep end? I've got 3 kids - 11, 9 and 3. Thanks....
  3. Hi...I can sympathise with how you feel. We received our visas last week and are aiming to get to Adelaide by early Jan 2011. My wife and I are on the emotional see-saw: one minute we are completely focused on Adelaide and the future for our three children, the next we are thinking of ourselves as mad for leaving our village lifestyle and settled existence. The biggest issue for me is leaving my elderly parents (76 and 75) both of whom are fit now but have had serious health scares in recent years. They simply worship my 3 kids (11, 9 and 3) and I sometimes feel like that I am hurting them with my pursuit of a new challenge in Australia. Overall, we are committed to it and excited about the future but I totally empathise with you on the family issues. Our parents and friends have all said "go for it" yet their support won't ever remove those emotions that we all feel.
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