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Posts posted by cazzaj

  1. ::I'm in the loving it as soon as arrived .... We have been here over a year now and I couldn't love it more.. We come from a beautiful town in England but just wanted more.. My husbands job as a self employed electrician was up and down and we just wanted a new adventure.. We have been lucky to have made some brilliant friends so that has helped and my husband has started his own business installing solar that is going really well ..we feel really at home and I'm about to give birth to a born and bread ozzy we couldn't ask for a better life and feel we are living our dream as everything seems to be falling into place ( touch wood ) it is about being positive and not looking back ...having an open mind and grabbing opportunities...love it love it love it:biglaugh:

  2. Hi my daughter goes to Christies high school she is in year 9 and is enjoying it as far as any 14 yr old girl does ... We live in Christies and yes there are some weird people around they are every where !!! It's such a shame when people put things like there are drug addicts there !!!! There every where dear you may do work with them but by saying things like that it makes it look like Christies has an addict on every corner with a needle hanging out there arm!!!!(which it hasn't ) and what about all the un registered addicts????? I'd more worried in where there living!!off my high horse Christies is a lovely place to live and yes there are some areas to avoid but I would say that about henly or Brighton or any other area at the end of the day it's best to look around area and see what suits you and don't listen to people who don't see the positives:mad:

  3. Hi I live in Christies beach we have been here nearly 9 months my oldest goes to Christies high school shes enjoying it as far as schools go she's in year 9 got given a brand new lap top for free...she had a few problems at start with one girl but girls can e a lot worse then boys but she's happy there now and doesn't want to move ... Where about are you staying? Bring warm clothes in July as it's cold now so god knows what it's going to be like then brrrrrrr.......... Carolyn

  4. Hi Louise I have a 3 year old girl too.. We live up behind the rego off beach road.. What days is the play group on in o sulivans as I'd be interested in that as the one we used to go to closed as it was at a kindy... There is also a group of us that meet up at the fort on a Wednesday usually if you fancied meeting up there ....:) Carolyn x

  5. I agree I've lived in Christies beach for the past 5 months and love it... There are a lot of people that slate Christies beach and have never lived there themselves so makes me laugh how they can judge a place without living there... Yes there are some dodgy houses in the odd street but so is there in any other area that are said to be the in places to live!! It doesn't matter how much your house cost or what area you live in .. There are rich people that are neighbors from he'll too.

    It will be a lovely base for your holiday and you can have a good drive around and see places as it's fairly central and has lots there too....:goofy:Good luck xx

  6. Hi Maria I have a beagle x cavalier for our teenage daughter , we got her not long after we arrived.. She has a lovely temperament ,very good natured but very hard work.. We have had dogs and puppies all our lives and I must say she is the most hyper we have had althoe at 5 months she is starting to calm down..she is the smallest dog we have ever owned but must say our chocolate lab we used to have was the best temperament... I would say not to go for a puppy you have never seen as you need to give them a good look over check eyes and ears see what personality is like .. And do beware of pet shops and puppy farms.. We got ours out of paper and saw her with her mum... Good look with your search ... Oh and they don't smell any more than any other dog too!!!!

  7. the only reason people slag immigrants in the uk are that they are freely allowed to claim benefits..claim for families in other countries and are not police checked or blood tested or had to pay through there ass to get into uk like we have had to get into australia..my husband got a job within a couple of days luckly but we get a bit of help through center link and why not ?? works his ass off and pays taxes

    maybe people who live in THE GRANGE dont need to claim any benefits well ..well done you arnt you the smug pom!!!!!!!!!

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