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Posts posted by howard

  1. Shame on me? Shame on the family for not having protection for their family.


    Well, well, well - congratulations for being so bloody marvellous!


    Perhaps you should start offering Saturday morning classes on how to be so perfect!


    The lady concerned probably does wish she had taken out insurance as she has been left without a thing. What is your recommendation? That we should tell the OP to stop wasting our time and let the little ******** suffer?


    You're not a bitch - you are cold hearted person that doesn't deserve any more of my time!


    Well done to the OP in showing us that not everyone is a nobber!!

  2. Any females interested in playing cricket (especially High School/Uni age)- send me a pm.


    Its a great way to get out and meet people as well as keeping fit - especially if you play indoor cricket:biggrin:





  3. Hi all,

    we have now been in adelaide for 2 weeks, I thought I had read about there being a meet up this weekend.


    Could someone let me know whether there is a meet up and if so when, where and time, as we would like to come along and meet people as we are starting to feel quite lonely:huh:


    hope to meet u soon,

    ​natasha, les, Charlotte and Lauren




    Whereabouts in Worcestershire did you move from? How old are your children? What area do you live now?


    Sorry for all the questions. :wubclub:

  4. Anything is doable, but why waste all that time and money driving?


    In Adelaide there is not often a need to travel 50kms to work every day. That's a lot of wasted family time and money on petrol.



    Who said it was a waste of money?? We want to live in the South and OH has a good job in the North? Its our choice and not a lot of wasted Family time - he leaves when they are in bed and is home just after school finishes. (Wow - didnt realise you could have Family time first thing in the morning! :wink:)


    Anyway I did suggest a short term rental etc etc and checking out the North. IN MY OPINION Adelaide is a lovely place to live and there are some lovely views on the commute to work :smile:


    Take it you're having a "grumpy" day? :notworthy:

  5. My hubby drives from Seaford to Mawson Lakes every day - its doable and if you want to live in the South its the only way. Who knows, you might even be able to car share.


    I would suggest getting a short term rental for a little while and see how you get on with the travelling and in that time you can check out the Northern Suburbs to live too!


    Good Luck :smile:

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