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Everything posted by alymacck

  1. Hi there, i need to do the same for my sons passport. When you went to DIAC did you not need an appointment and did you have to take any other paperwork with you? Thanks.
  2. Of course not,that would be cheating......well, maybe for a small fee,lol! Have asked him and will Pm you if thats ok. Cheers.
  3. Hi, I am available to babysit evenings and most weekends if theres anyone wanting a night out without the little un's! I have lots of experience having children of my own. Cheap rates too!! Please pm me if anyone is interested. Thank you.
  4. Hi, i will ask my husband if hes interested and get back to you.
  5. Hi, sorry i dont have one to give but you could try the local library. The one at Aberfoyle park (The Hub) has a toy borrowing bit too it so your local one may have too. Cheers.
  6. Hi, I am available to do house cleans Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays in school hours in Aberfoyle Park, Flagstaff Hill and surrounding areas. I have experience, references and a police check. Please PM me if anyone is interested. Thank you.
  7. yes there are some..sell them in coles supermarket in the baby section or chemists.
  8. Hi, Let me know if you choose the Hub school. I've always found it nice to know a friendly face in the playground. Cheers.
  9. Hi there, Sounds very stressful...it will get better! I am also in Morphett Vale and have 3 kids. PM me if thats any good and if i can be of any help..it is very over whelming when you first get here. Cheers Alyson.
  10. Hi, my kids have gone there for the last year and a bit and settled in fine. It's a good school and has a some good teachers and the parents are friendly too!
  11. my son was stopped by a man and lady in a white car last weekend in Morphett Vale..they drove past him while he was riding his bike and then reversed upto him. My son is 10 and yelled at them to leave him alone (didnt give them chance to say anything) and rode away! May have been innocent but i mentioned it to the police just incase! Glad i did now!
  12. alymacck


    My husband. 60 in a 50 zone. Least he can't have a go if it ever happens to me!
  13. very exciting getting an offer accepted, congratulations..are you still in Morphett Vale? We moved here end of March..we might end up being neighbours if so?
  14. Well after speaking to DECS i have discovered that we are only actually zoned for Christies Beach High School!!!! We are apparently just on the borderline for Wirreanda. Wish i had known that High schools were zoned so could have taken it into consideration when we were house buying! Still got a couple of years before any of my kids will move up so fingers crossed Christies improves or the zones change or we have a really good reason to go to a different one!!
  15. Hi, just wondering if anyone has any info about Wirreanda High School please? We have bought a house recently and i have just discovered that high schools are zoned and we are only zoned for Wirreanda and Christies Beach i think. Any opinions would be good, thanks.
  16. hi, try GBLiners. We used them and they gave us a good quote.
  17. Hi Trevor. Its Alyson..Vickys friend from school. Didnt know you had booked your flights etc. Look forward to seeing you all...your about 10 mins from us. Cheers Alyson.
  18. Thats a shame!! Maybe we could meet up halfway sometime and make it a day of shopping and coffee ing! Aly.
  19. i really have no sense of direction...so still dont know if that is close by or not?
  20. Hi, where is Andrews Farm? We are in Morphett Vale and would be happy to meet up if close by? Cheers. Alyson.
  21. hi everyone, we have beem here 18 months and live in Morphett Vale. I am from Thackley and my husband is from Baildon originally. Feel free to pm me when you arrive if you are close by and fancy meeting up. Cheers.
  22. I am in Morphett Vale. Anyone 17 years plus would be good i think. Thanks.
  23. Hi all, Just wondering if theres anyone who knows a good babysitter? I have 3 children and they are 4,7 and 10. Would love to find someone reliable and nice as we have been here 18 months and only been out 3 times without the kids!! Thanks.
  24. Hi Corinne, have just joined PIA and seen your message and was wondering if you have moved to Happy Valley now? I am in Morphett Vale with 3 kids and hubby if you ever fancy meeting for a cuppa? Thanks Alyson.
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