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Posts posted by zebedee

  1. Contact Finite, Paxus, Candle, Talent International although 3 out of my 4 jobs have been direct to companies (only the first was due to a recruitment agency).

    Seek.com.au will be your best friend :)

    Avoid coming out in the run up to Christmas as that is a quiet time.  Just after Christmas is good, as is just after financial year end.

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  2. Beyond Bank will be advertising for a Senior Infrastructure Analyst role in the next few days - I have been there a few months (but moving to getting a job with a much shorter commute) and they are a lovely company to work with, with a really technology focused IT Manager.  Anyone with a good persona and Office 365 cloud experience will have a good chance.  Look out for it on seek.com.au.  I will post up the link when it comes through.

  3. I do think that Adeladians are not good drivers....


    My son 5 years ago was learning to drive (competent learner driver) and got pulled up because he was taking too long at a roundabout...my sons's answer to him was that it was not safe to pull out - instructors answer was squeeze your way through otherwise you will annoy everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! We stopped using him!!!


    The standard here is absolutely 'SHODDY' as an OZ would say!!


    I was taught like a lot of English people via a reputable driving school like the 'BSM'


    It is so hard to believe that SA people are so lovely until they get behind the wheel LOL


    You are right, I have often thought it is very paradoxical - people are, generally, lovely....until they get behind the wheel of a car and they turn into monsters. Its very odd and I don't understand it

  4. Ignorant, selfish, dangerous, oblivious, risk taking, arrogant and obnoxious - the traits of the average Adelaide driver. The interesting thing is everyone considers themselves a good driver and will also agree with you that the driving is of a poor standard - yet everyone is doing it and quite happily passing on the awful attitude to their kids.


    I admit my own driving has taken a steep downward spiral just to get by on the roads on my daily commute, including undertaking idiots who sit in the outside at or just under the speed limit and won't pull over.

  5. The wineries around the McLaren Vale region are full of roos - one near us had 30+ roos culled recently because they were causing so much damage (apparently).


    Dusk and dawn are the riskiest - roos are very active at those times and if one bounces out, there is likely to be a second one. I swapped out our main beams for the highest legal globes you can get to help out when driving down country roads after dark.

  6. Hey Snifter, Thanks for asking :) , I hope you are well also .


    All good here, family all settled, Kids all doing well, my aussie wife has settled into "country life" in east sussex quite alarmingly well!


    London busy as ever, but what a complete mess and turmoil on the Britexit debacle, Farage , Gove and Bojo have made fools of themselves and the people of GB, oh well onwards and sort of upwards..... :huh:, markets jittery but general feeling where i sit (city-finance-legal) is that there will be no significant change for years - if any.


    Other than that all good, actually enjoy my commute 95% of the time, kids old enough for me to see them when I get back and I'm reading books like there is no tomorrow.


    Off to Greek Islands for two weeks at end of july, going to duxford flying legends today and got stuck in the goodwood festival of speed on the way to TankFest in Dorset last week because a little 8 year old finger had pressed the satnav [avoid motorways button] on the prado!!!! Grrrrr :arghh:



    Hope xenephon does something good for the state of SA, at worst he'll keep them honest at best he'll upset the boys club..

    Best of luck,



    Gotta love London....




    and on a less serious note....public transport in meltdown!



  7. Most of the IT jobs are close to the CBD so if you want to be near the seaside I'd consider Semaphore down to Brighton for more expensive city beach suburbs. Further down, Hallett Cove is a good choice for being near the sea with good commuter links to the city (train) and is a bit cheaper. Seaford and Moana also benefit from the sea and still being close to the train links or the Southern Expressway if you drive though the commute does start to get quite long then. We live in McLaren Vale which is semi rural, 5 mins drive to the beach and and it takes me around 45 minutes to drive to work just outside of the CBD. NicF is right in that if you live down south, you do miss out on what the north has to offer but if you want beach, the reality is, the south is the way to go.


    I'd still consider Aldinga a bit too far out if you want to commute into the CBD every day but I know some people at work who come from even further again.

  8. Completely normal to feel what you are feeling. If you can, try and enjoy the "newness' of everything......four years in for us and life is pretty much normal and I miss those early feelings sometimes. Not to say life is dull, there is still so many things to discover and I still gaze in wonder at the amazing skies, the birds, the scale of Australia, it's just those first few months are just such a crazy, unique time. Bite sized chunks as well - give yourselves a target each day for things to sort - you can't recreate a new life in a few weeks so go with the flow :)

  9. Totally right Snifter - it's easy to make statistical comparisons but the SE of the UK and Adelaide don't even come close to a like for like comparison and you are right that there are plenty of areas which are decent and more affordable in Adelaide.


    The SE of the UK itself has a huge variety of places as well - so house prices will massively vary there. My mum and dad moved from Epsom when I was 13 to Cornwall (thank goodness) and you cannot say you would get a lot for your money there - house prices are extremely high. And it's not even a place I would consider as nice.


    Got this weekend planned up nicely - weather is looking good (as it normal is) so probably take the dog out on a bush walk on Saturday followed by some snorkeling on Sunday, can't do that in Epsom :wink:

  10. Been in Adelaide nearly four years, I had about 15 years IT experience as a system engineer before arriving and walked straight into a permanent job with one of the banks. Had the interview 3 days after landing. Since then I've had several job offers with IT companies but have taken a slightly lower paid, but less stressed position which has free'd up a bit of time to enjoy the things we came for. The job market in Adelaide IS limited and you have to be very careful not to burn any bridges but I haven't found that Oz experience makes any difference within the IT sector, not in Adelaide anyway. Both companies I have worked for have been diverse in their employment. That's my experience anyway.

  11. The two year mark for me was a rough one - felt totally deflated and couldn't remember why we had moved here......it was a bit of a wall but it passed and life is good - about to hit the 4 year point. I went back to the UK last summer for two weeks and couldn't wait to get back to Oz - the people I missed, but the country.....just wasn't home anymore.

  12. Ocean Road is well worth it - we did Adelaide > Melbourne and stayed in Warnambool for a night to split up the drive - that was a good half way point and meant we could stop at some of the tourist stops - the Seven Sisters is very impressive and Apollo Bay is pretty too. There is a good "forest" section of the drive too. You'll love it.


    Adelaide wise - sounds like you have enough to do, but you may want to tie up heading down to Victor Habor as part of your McLaren Vale day - really nice coastal town with good views, cafes, etc. The drive is good and there is a wildlife park down there too, Urimbirram as an alternative to Cleland, it's a bit smaller I think but they have lots of roos, koalas and a salt water crocodile which is a small one but still quite un-nerving. A drive down there, lunch in Victor Harbor and then an evening meal back in McLaren Vale :)


    This summer has been consistently very hot and I suspect March is going to be very warm too so hats, sunnies and sun cream is a must.


    In the hills, Grumpys is a good pizza place and Handorf is a fun, though often busy, historic German town.


    City wise - Henley Beach, Semaphore, Glenelg and Brighton are all good city beaches with places to stop and eat/drink - you can pretty much spend a day just driving the city coastline.


    Enjoy the visit!

  13. I made the mistake of signing up to the Facebook SA shark warning page and now realise how many sharks are spotted out there.....it's great from a ocean health perspective but slightly un-nerving.


    And 7 meter is just wrong at every level, massive girl without much equal in the sea!

  14. Depends on your needs and how much room you want. Adelaide is mostly a grid of sealed roads and traffic lights with a few freeways going out of the city. If you are planning on the occasional dirt track or towing anything I am sure both will perform but as you have already mentioned, the Jeep has a pretty poor track record. Personally I'd go for the Subaru. If you are planning to do lots of towing, off road driving, etc you are better off looking at something like a Land Cruiser or a Patrol (though they are very expense brand new). Another option is the Isuzu MUX - very capable four wheel drive 7 seater with a tough diesel engine that will handle anything you can throw at it. It's the four wheel drive I plan to get once they age a bit and there are a few more on the second hand market.

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