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Posts posted by ninolaine

  1. 3 hours ago, Sumedha said:

    good morning everyone!


    Someone here could you please advise me on the following.

    •  How to create a Centrelink account? 
    •  Do we need a separate Centrelink account for my wife?
    •  can we apply for a job seeker category, which recently the government announced? 

    Thank you in advance for your support and excuse me if I am not updated with the forum.

    Many thanks!



    you don’t need to apply for Centrelink. When you apply for medicare after lodging 887, centrelink will contact us if we are eligible. (Note: until PR is granted we don’t have centrelink only medicare) so don’t expect to be contacted. 

  2. Praise God!!!!


    lodge: 13/11/2018

    Inquiry/feedback just a nudge for them to maybe look at our file: 28/01/2020

    first contact: 11/02/2020 (Functional English)

    complained: 11/02/2020

    Ielts submitted: 27/02/2020

    complained: 1/04/2020

    GRANT today 09/04/2020 CO Vely

    best Easter ever!!! Good luck to everyone and have blessed Easter, be safe!



    • Like 15
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  3. On 4/7/2020 at 1:43 PM, Mazie said:

    Grant grant grant 


    Applied 17 july

    First contact 19 sept asked documents of proof residency 

    Granted today 7 april

    Family of 4

    So happy cant Express feelings 

    Keep up the hope guys 🙂🙂

    Congratulations! 6 months from first contact 🙂 I'll probably post our long awaited grant on August since they contacted us on Feb. I can't wait...

    • Like 1
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  4. 1 hour ago, Sunjay said:

    Hey guys  does any one got CO Rejina?? Just wondering how often does she grant 887?🤔

    🙋‍♂️CO Regina contacted us back in Feb for spouse Functional English. Submitted IELTS after 2 weeks. still further assessment. you can check the spreadsheet, she's fine for some, gave direct grants even. It's just like she's got different mood swings.

  5. They will delay our grant even more because of centrelink and covid-19 support to australians. temporary residents don't get any, so it just make sense that they keep us that way so they don't owe us anything. They don't care what happens to us because we are here because we wanted to. They have no obligation to us whatsover until we become PR. There's nothing we can do, just keep ourselves and our family safe and healthy, hopefully we're still alive when we get that grant.

    I was about to sign the petition @Moksha but I cancelled, no offense, but the construction of the letter is highlighting that we are a liability and that we will flee to the city once we get the grant. I know your intention is good and it is true that opportunity are less for temporary residents like us, let's just keep praying for everyone. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Like 3
  6. 16 hours ago, Joshua said:

    Hello mates,

    I am sharing about my grant time line. 

    • Applied - 29/06/18
    • Request for further document - 13/08/19, CO Sophorn
    • Granted - 15/03/20,  CO Wendy

    I almost gave up receiving the grant until this May, which my 489 expires and get out of country postcode to get a better job.

    However, I got the letter yesterday, Sunday, so weird. Are they working at home even on Sunday???? for Corona Virus???

    Anyway, I nearly got a cancer or maybe already developed in me for this long, long waiting.

    Nothing has got any better but only BIT of COMFORT from the fact that I don't have to wait for the grant anymore. It's not going to be fantasy or heaven, no no for me it's just out of hell, once I have got my visa.

    Anyhow, I do hope you guys get yours soon too really!!


    Best wishes,


    Congratulations! at least we know they are still working and giving grants amidst the global health crisis

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, nudgee said:


    Someone received 189 today and he submitted the application just one month ago. I hope I can get my PR before getting coronavirus

    Hope no one here get's the virus. It's already hard waiting for the grant.. being sick is just too much. Keep praying everyone! This too shall pass..

    • Like 2
  8. 9 hours ago, memphis said:

    Hello fellas,

    I am just wondering while holding 489 visa, if want to study a specific course but it is not offered in the regional area, then what do i need to do??

    Check the conditions on your visa. Ours states that we MUST study in regional area. if you have that, you cant study out of regional area

  9. 9 hours ago, DVR said:

    Dear All, 

    I have started filling 887 application and felt sus as IMMI online application was pretty straightforward. Just want to know something, which I read online on this forum.

    1. Do we have to fill Form 80 ? as we did for 489 ? 
    2. I have a 8-moths old daughter who I attached 1229 - Consent Form for 489. Do I need to fill it again for 887 ? 

    Please advise ? It would be much appreciated !! 😳


    1. Yes you need Form 80. we actually didn't do it for 489 before, it wasn't necessary then during our time, but it is when we did the 887 application.

    2. Yes you need it again. 

    Good luck!

  10. 18 hours ago, DANISH RAZA said:

    Dear ALL

    i complaint after 19 months of application and now received new request of this document. Have anyone got this same request who has child in their application?

    Passports for children are generally valid for five years. If the passport was obtained when the child was an infant, considerable physical changes to facial features are likely to have occurred over the validity period.
    As the examining doctor for Muhammad Rayan GHORI was unable to confirm their identity from the photo on their passport bio-page, a Statutory Declaration signed by an Australian citizen or permanent resident (who is not a relative of the child) will be required.
    The declaration should contain an image of the child’s passport bio-page and an image of a recent photo or photos. The declarant should confirm that all the images in the declaration are of the same child.
    If a suitable statutory declaration cannot be provided the child will be requested to undertake a new health examination performed with a new passport that accurately portrays their current appearance””””””

    ( So disappointed, how I can take someone’s child for medical )

    this is so disappointing. is your child a newborn after lodgement of 887? coz i also have a newborn in 2017 but we applied subsequent 489 for her.

  11. 8 hours ago, Sunjay said:

    Hi guys i applied for 887 on 25th september 2018, and they asked for further documents on 17/12/2019. And my 489 visa is about to finish on 25th of feb 2020. I am just wondering right

     Do i need to do any thing to go on bridging or it will go automatically?

    Do i get the full working right when i will be in Bridging visa? 

    I am very stressed right now.. i will really appreciate  ur replies  guys

    You will be in BVA automatically. We've been in BVA since 2/12/2018... I believe you can move anywhere you want as there is no condition on this visa. You still get full working rights. the only catch is you won't have access to any credit. so get a credit card, save a lot, get a phone plan etc. before it expires and you'll be 'right. I actually thought we won't be getting a rental but that didn't matter, we even started our business under BVA. You should be 'right mate.

    • Like 1
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  12. COs are doing their best to delay the grant of our PR.... i have been reading the spreadsheet and made sure that our application is decision ready. for most applicants, CO asked for transcript for those who had submitted uni letter only. so i made sure we submitted both, who would've thought CO Regina,, f🤬 CO Regina still decided she wanted to see a f🤬 IELTS. it's BS 🤬😥

  13. Good morning! Hoping for a good week for everyone. 🙂

    Question: For Childcare Subsidy, do we get it once 887 is granted? Or we need to wait a certain time before we can get it?

    With how slow our application is progressing, the kids will no longer be attending daycare when we finally meet the residency requirements. Seriously what's in it for us here?! And honestly speaking education doens't really come cheap. Kindy is $108 a week and when we get PR we still need to wait a certain time so kids dont need it as they will attend big schools.

  14. 21 hours ago, DVR said:

    I submitted my wife's 4 years degree certificate, transcript, and a Language confirmation letter from the uni. for 489, and hoping to attach the same for 887 application next month. Does it matter if we do IELTS after applying 887, as she is not in Australia for the moment, and will be here prior to lodgment. 

    Yeah you can do that. As long as its not older than 12 months before lodgement.

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