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Mrs Maggie

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  1. Good Afternoon Can anyone advise? Hubby is a motor mechanic - am I right in thinking the only visa to come to Oz on is the SC 491 which is the temporary 5 years then you an apply for PR? If this is the case can anyone tell me if they have been through this - it worries me the thought of moving to Oz on a temporary visa ? We have 2 boys so would want to be permanent? I thought the SC 190 would be an option but it seems on the SA Gov website it looks like its the SC 491? Any advice gratefully received. Thank you
  2. Good afternoon. We are right at the beginning of the process. I’m after some advice on which agencies to use for the visa process. If anyone can recommend any, it would be much appreciated. It seems we are eligible for the 489 or 190. Unsure if we can get more points.
  3. Could anyone give me a rough cost on how much it is to run a swimming pool - heated through winter ? I have no idea where to look for this and apologise if there are threads already.
  4. Hi I wonder if anyone can help or point me in the right direction... We are looking at emigrating and different options - one which we have is that we rent our property out in the UK so we have some income in Oz. I wondered if anyone currently does this and if so is do you have to pay tax etc in the UK/Oz for this income ? Any advice info would be gratefully received. :)
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