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Posts posted by tomamylancaster

  1. Just wondering what currencies/payment methods are accepted at Singapore airport - obviously singapore dollars, but is this the only one? Are we able to use Australian dollars and UK debit cards?


    Just looking at getting a little cash exchanged and obviously taking cash would be a much better exchange rate than our UK bank would give us should we use our debit card.

  2. @huggsey - just out of interest, which recruitment agencies did you send his CV too?


    We were talking about doing this a couple of weeks ago when we are ready to move out next year, in the hope he could maybe secure a job before heading over, although we are under no illusions and realise there's a high chance that wouldn't be the case, but it could cerainly help!

  3. Thanks so much for the replies.


    A few we had on our list already, but a few we hadn't. We had planned a trip into the city at some point on the train (we're staying on one of Tamara's homes in Port Noarlunga), but weren't 100% sure what we would do there, so looks like a visit to the migration museum and the market can be on the list.


    We were looking at taking the steam train from Goolwa down to Victor Harbour and then back - anyone been on there? Worth it? The whale spotting sounds amazing too.


    We'd heard of Cleland Wildlife Park but never heard of the Gorge Wildlife Park, so thanks for that one. The kids loves animals, so we definitely want to get up close to koalas and kangaroos.


    Snifter - thanks for those links. I'll bookmark them on the ipad - i'm pretty sure the house has wi-fi, so we should be able to view them easily whilst we're there if needed. It seems a lot of the schools are zoned, is this generally the case? It's a total nightmare trying to find the right house, by a good school, which isn't far from work, when you have no job and no idea where we'll be working!


    Howde - would the fair at semaphore be open during the winter?


    And how much of a hike is it up to the Mount Lofty Lookout - the kids are 6 and 4, and whilst the oldest is a pretty good walker, the youngest is quite the opposite!


    Unlocking my phone - how do I do this? Would O2 do it for me, or do I need to go to a little back street shop? We'll definitely grab a sim whilst there, just incase we want to look anything up whilst out and about.

  4. Ahh no. It's so frustrating isn't it - being in the hands of someone else and just sitting and waiting, not knowing when the end, and visa grant, will be. We were lucky it seems, and had ours granted in November last year. And even that wait was bad enough!


    I'm assuming you've checked out all the recommended sites on here, and the other members who have rental homes?

  5. We're heading over in 28 sleeps - not that us, or the kids are counting or anything! ;) - to validate our visas and we have areas planned that we want to take a look at and all the usual reccie things! But we're also trying to plan in a few trips and days out to keep the kids happy, so, if you could visit just ONE place/attraction/area etc what/where would it be?


    Also - in the UK, we obviously have 3G to access the internet whilst out and about in the car. Is there anyway we can do this in Aus? So if we're driving around an area we can check out realestate and schools whilst on the go? But without committing to any kind of phone contract/payment plan?


    Amy x

  6. Hi all!


    Just wondering if there are any mechanics out there who are willing to share their wages & what type of garage they work in - independent, chain, dealer etc, & perhaps where it is located (north, hills, south, CBD etc).


    I've read all over about average wages, approximate wages, but would love to hear from those actually working to hopefully give me a better idea of what I am likely to be able to earn, if I can get a job when we come over.


    Also - i have a large selection of tools & gear and wondered what you took over, what you wish you had taken if you left anything behind, and how you got them over there. We're unsure as yet, whether we'd be taking all our furniture, but if it was the quickest way to get the tools out there, we probably would. If there may be a way to just ship the tools reasonably quickly on their own, we'd likely sell furniture & start again.




  7. What has seemed like an uphill struggle and endless wait, at last our 190 visa granted today! so excited and relieved that we can now plan ahead, planning to fly 9th March, and just wanted say this forum has been fab and such a help, here we come Adelaide X


    YAY - huge congratulations =) =)


    Where abouts are you heading to?

  8. Hi Aureen,


    Tom had his skills assessment in London back in June (he's also a mechanic with 13 years experience). He had a 5 hour drive to get down to London for a 9am meeting, so along with being nervous, he was knackered! There were a few points where his mind went blank but the guy at the other end was really relaxed and friendly, and it was all more of an informal chat, just to make sure you actually know your stuff, to go along with all the certificates and blurb you've written.


    He says if anything, read up on the theory that you wouldn't generally use in the day to day job - they were the questions that caught him out. Although, even with a few blank points the guy said he obviously knew his job very well and as it was a Friday afternoon in Perth (which is where the guy was he was speaking to) he was keen to wrap it up and get off for a beer!!!


    But generally, if he knows his job, it's nothing to worry about. It was just over 3 weeks between having the technical interview and finding out he'd passed the skills assessment - a nervous wait!! With everything else we had to do afterwards, our visa was granted on 18th November.


    We're also hoping to be over there next year, but are going to validate our visas in August this year and are staying in one of Tamara's homes in Port Noarlunga - we know nobody, have never been, and have two boys who are 5 and 3! But it's definitely an area that appeals to us - so hoping it lives up to our expectations.


    Where abouts are you from?

  9. Welcome to the forum Kate. Looking forward to being in your position in 12 months time! We're out in August for 2 weeks to validate and are stopping in one of Tamara's homes in Port Noarlunga. Definitely not looking forward to the jet lag (our boys are 5 and 3), but looking forward to exploring the area =)

  10. We have decided to book direct with Singapore and decided even if it was slightly more expensive - the variety of things to do at Singapore airport made it worth it!


    We opened a Krisflyer air miles account too, so we can build up some miles and hopefully get a bit of money off in the future as we build it up!

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