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Everything posted by Daveyboy

  1. Thanks for the responses. I will follow up on the pointers you all provided. Fortunately my girlfriend has a cousin from Dublin living in Adelaide so we are staying with them when we first arrive which will help our savings go further until we both find work. Henley Girl - sure - how are you progressing? are you all ready? Jessica - If its OK I will drop you a PM if you have worked in the industry it would be great if I could talk to you about your local experience
  2. Daveyboy

    Moving to Adelaide

    I'm not sure what Lukas' friend was focusing on when labeling Adelaide a "****hole". Although I have only spent a week in Adelaide I struggle to imagine how anyone could arrive at that conclusion. Sure its subjective matter but looking at some 'Livable Cities' rankings (there are quite a few of them), which include some tangible measurements in judging a city, make it a more objective view - Adelaide ranks #5 in the Economist. The only Australian city higher than that is Melbourne. Perth is lower. I doubt a "****hole" would get anyone close to the top ten. Note no UK city is anywhere near the top ten either. If you want a cutting edge city with a fast pace of life and development sure Adelaide is unlikely to be top of the list however there are so many positives about the place. Like most people advise - judge for yourself when you have been, don't let your first impressions be tainted by somebody's view that appears to have been plucked from thin air.
  3. Hi everyone I am Dave (29) and will be arriving in October '13 with my gf Orla (27). I'm originally from West Yorkshire but lived in Birmingham and London during the last 5 years. Orla is originally from Dublin but has been in England for the last 3.5 years. Have been browsing through the threads and its good to hear of the experiences of others moving to Adelaide. Particularly reassured to hear of the nervousness people had before coming about finding work/settling in etc but they found with the right attitude and approach that seems to quickly fade away. Some of the posts brought a knowing smile to my face - particularly the one about friends and colleagues at home seeming puzzled about choosing Adelaide - I have had that ALOT too! I note that these people have almost always never visited Adelaide! I lived/traveled in Aus for about 10 months in 2007 and spent about a week in Adelaide and was very impressed - certainly the most understated city (by most people) in the country as far as I can see! I work in HR and nervous about finding work in a reasonably quick time frame when I arrive. Understandably the recruiters at the migration events in the UK are focused on the most directly transferable professions such as Nurses, Skilled Trades, Teachers, Engineers etc but found with HR it is harder to come across any promising leads for work - any pointers on this from anyone would be really useful. My gf is a Peads. Nurse and was told by a recruiter at an event in Birmingham they would have her in work as soon as she was ready to work - apparently Adelaide is particularly short of Paeds Nurses? Would love to attend a meet up when we arrive to chat to people if that's ok. Its always great to talk to people that will have encountered the same problems that you are going/likely to be going through when migrating. Hope I can help others further down the line too! All the best Dave
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