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Posts posted by Nairnandtain

  1. Hi,

    I am looking for some advice around how to get my parents to Australia permanently. Their only living relatives are in Australia and we originally thought they could come over on a tourist visa ( this was pre COVID!) now we are being advised that they should apply offshore for a parent visa. We understand that things won’t get moving until the COVID situation improves. The other query was around Medicare and if they can access Medicare whilst they are here?

    I had a consultation with an agent but tbh they were not very helpful and told me to access the department of health websites etc. 




  2. Hi,


    finally after 7 years my parents have decided they would like to come and live out here with us in Adelaide.

    What are their options re visa. We (me. OH and 3 kids) are their only living relatives now so I assume they pass the balance of family rule? They are 74 and 72 respectively and plan to buy their own property to live in.

    Any advice would be gratefully received.


    Shelley Scott

  3. We are returning to the Uk for a holiday but as we are not citizens yet we need to apply for a Right to Return visa. Can anyone tell me how long this visa is valid for? Also how much they are and are children the same or are they attached to a parent’s visa?


    Thank you!


  4. Hi,

    my father in law is extending his visa online. He is here with his wife, my question is do they have to complete separate applications or is his wife attached to his? Their current visa is subclass 601.


    thank you,

    Shelley Scott

  5. We have no idea why we lost, she produced photographic evidence but the photographs were not dated, in fact they were not even of the property we rented (she has other rental properties). We had dated photographic evidence, proof of carpet cleaning, receipts to show we has replaced the lawn. I emailed to ask how and why they favoured her evidence to ours but didn't get an answer. Cant afford to pay $500 to appeal.


  6. Hi,

    We have not had much luck renting since we arrived over 2 years ago. We have used two agents and a private landlord, so you have our sympathy. It's the only thing that has put a damper on our move here.

    Can I just ask where you found this rental originally i.e realestate.com or gumtree etc.


    All the best R&J


    Hi, we saw a sign in the landlady's window. This is her method of advertising. Very nice to our face but not long after we moved in a previous tenant reached out to us and told us about her. Thank goodness as it meant we were prepared. It didn't make a difference in the end as we lost both the tribunal and the hearing. We thought about appealing the decision but we would have had to pay $500 for the privilege! It has affected my health and they way I view this country! Best of luck to you.

  7. We had huge problems with our landlady when we moved out of our rental in November. Luckily we were given the heads up from a previous tenant and some neighbours so took heaps of photographic evidence. However she is still trying to get almost all of our $3k bond. We went to tribunal but it was awful and wasn't resolved so now it is going to a hearing. I consulted a lawyer as this woman has lied and planted false evidence and not for the first time in her career as a landlady! I'm wondering if anyone else has had an issue with this woman? I do not wish to print her name but if anyone has had experience of this landlady in the suburb of Fulham Gardens please private message me, likewise if you wish to avoid this woman and are renting in Fulham garden pm me and I will hopefully be able to prevent this woman from ripping more families off!


    kind regards,


  8. Hi, I'm looking for advice on how to get my parents a visa which will allow them to stay in Australia with us. We have been here for 2 years now and I'm an only child, therefore my parents meet the balance of family criteria.

    How do we start this process?


    thanks. Shelley.

  9. Hi Shelley, how much is it and could you please send me a photo. Also can it be flat packed? Thanks.


    Hi, I, will try to post a picture today. Not sure if it can be flat packed, will ask my husband.



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