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  1. There is Sturt Family Practice on Sturt Rd, You have to register with them and its often hard to get an appointment, they dont bulk bill, then there is the Domain medical centre on Morphette rd, a walk in place with lots of doctors, no appointment necessary, they bulk bill - often have to wait over an hour (sometimes 3!) Probably lots more but only ones i can think of
  2. Try the bigger recruitment agencies too Dan, Healthcare Australia (Julie Bennett), Sugarman (Kate Sweeny or Lea Hansen) McArther, Hays, Frontline Health, they often recruit for organisations good luck
  3. Google dvd codes, you can unlock most DVDs to view any region of DVDS
  4. He will pay the domestic student fees, but yes you're right, he wont be eligible for fee help ​
  5. Advertised on Skills for all. Here's the link. http://www.childcareservicestraining.com.au/diploma.htm ​
  6. I think you may be able to get APL on your NVQ if you have one from the UK- I'd email TAFE as they do skills assessment, my NVQ in direct training and support was assessed as being equiv to the Cert IV in workplace training. This might mean you dont have to do anything or it may mean only a module or two. I'd also try to get hold of statements from your managers to verify what your job currently entails with as much details as possible. I think you will find you will be snapped up as the Cert 3 is very basic and to be honest there are a lot of places that wont take on new grads with their cert 3, its very hard to get experience when no one is willing to give you a shot. Good luck with it all
  7. Hi Laura, Im an RN and working for HCA, It does go quiet at times and im told that for RN's its pretty quiet at the moment (though im working on a contract so havent noticed) I'm told that there are plenty of shifts available for Mental Health nurses either within SA health or in community/correctional placements When i first joined NASA i also signed up for YNA (another agency) Best of luck with it all I'm sure it'll be fine
  8. Already the name of real estate agents in Happy Valley Personally.. i'd go for smaller run business' over the franchises anyday
  9. maria


    We did our test in April and had the ceremony in Dec, I think though it depends on your local council area Good luck
  10. This made me chuckle, I too am absolutly terrified of anything that crawls or flies with more than 2 legs!!! Bug bomb the house regularly and you'll see next to nothing- we occasionally get millipedes or the odd earwig (which can be big lol) Bomb the car whilst it's in the garage (i do about every 6 months) My biggest fear is grasshoppers, for some reason they scare the living daylights out of me (much to the amusement of those around me) Seriously though there are far less than you think there will be
  11. I checked that last night and got my daughter to double check it too, was all as it should be, its updated now and is showing the right time. Glad i wasnt relying on it to wake me up this morning
  12. Mine didnt automatically update, have turned it off/ on but its still showing incorrectly...... Any ideas?
  13. hi Paul, Learning Dis is not a 'branch' of nursing here in SA, However I'd try places like Disability SA (Dept communities and social inclusion) also Minda, SCOSA, Cara. Have you registered with AHPRA? Might be worth giving them a call to see if you can register Best of luck to you both
  14. Thanks Diane, I have a kindle hence getting rid of my books, will have a look for ANthony Ryan.... thanks
  15. David Eddings - The Belgariad 1,2,4,5 Rober Jordan- Wheel of Time Series 1-12 Raymond Feist - Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness in Sethanon Sara Douglas - The Axis Trilogy/Wayfarer Redemption Robin Hobb- Farseer Trilogy/ The Tawny Man Garth Nix- Old kingdom Trilogy Kate Forsyth- Witches of Eilenan Series/Rhianons Ride Christopher Paolini - Eragon Series Gearge R Martin- Game of Thrones Christine Feehan/JD Robb and others Need the room pm me for details
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