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Posts posted by bob_kennedy

  1. [h=1]To say I am a little disappointed in my fellow Irish men and women today is an understatement. Judging by how the General Election is going it looks like cronyism and parochial politics is well and truly alive and kicking.

    8 years ago this form of government ruined the lives of generations to come.

    Last night Ireland allowed them back in. Amid all the protests and street marching and social media furor, people lost touch or forgot reality again when voting.

    What really upsets me though is that It now looks like any new government will have to form a partnership with Sinn Fein. Yes that very same “we are a political party” PR devision of the I.R.A. You know the I.R.A. that does not exist anymore. The very same Sinn Fein and very same Sinn Fein leader who declared “They haven’t gone away you know”.

    It is truly depressing, and makes me happy to be not there.[/h]

  2. It depends on circumstance. We rented until September last year. The Landlord was overseas for a year. The house had a lovely rear garden, and we agreed that if I kept the garden growing and green, then we could agree a discount. We got a discount and a water allowance out of it. We were first time renters with no history, but we had the 100 points. Im not saying all renters are the same but the point is they are all different.

  3. I have tested with the ITV hub and have been able to watch all the back catalogue that I tried. I have an issue watching live TV, but that could be my crappy broadband. I used Unblock-Us it back in Ireland when I needed the BBC iPlayer and the US Netflix and it works here also equally.


    I think from memory they give you a 30 day trial without needing a credit card

  4. I use "unblock-us". It's not a vpn solution, it's a DNS solution. This means you don't have the slowdown associated with a vpn connection. Anyway it's 50 US dollars a year and is simple to use. It also allows you to look at US free to air TV and US Netflix

  5. I know the feeling. There is no place like home. It's a good house. Garage, large shed, 5 good size bedrooms, a bit dated decor wise(70's) but solid double brick walls throughout. The fun now is spending years making it our own :)

  6. Well after hemming and hawing about it for the last six months, my son, my 5 year old that is, has decided we are a Crows family.

    He liked the colours, what can I say. So I will now, as I always have done get completely obsessed by a team I have absolutely no background history with. (Liverpool, Boston Redsox).


    It's too late to change now, we have already spent the money on his replica top which he wears with pride at Auskick.



  7. We flew with Emirates in December via Dubai. It was the 3,4,3 seat formation in economy. Our 2 kids are 5 and 3 and Emirates staff were fantastic to them. We had more than enough TV/movies on the seat backs to keep us entertained. You get fed a lot and this breaks up the time. I personally liked the short stop over, get it over and done with so to speak. :)

  8. Tamara, I would suggest local professional researchers. I needed to do something similar back home in Ireland. They were able to do the donkey work, physically going into the libraries, land registry offices, search church/hospital and census records etc. They did not charge an arm and a leg and they did far more than the commercial websites did. Now some researchers charge more than others, but its just another option to consider.



  9. Brought the kids to Hoyts in Tea Tree.


    1 medium bag of M&Ms, one medium bag of snickers type things (cannot remember the name). 16 dollars. I will def bring my own next time.

    Not having a go at Aussie prices, more or less the same in Ireland, but WOW!

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