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Posts posted by RJECSAUNDERS

  1. Hi,


    We (family of four) arrived on 475 visa in 2009. We were a bit worried before we arrived about the limitations of this visa but have to say we never encountered any. Both my husband and I found employment and neither of our employers even queried that we were only on provisional visas. We bought a house albeit we had to get FIRB permission but this was a very simple process. The only down side we encountered was that you are not entitled to any child care rebate, but we understood this from the start. I was surprised at how well Medicare covered us - we did take out health insurance, but we still have it now as permanent residents. Applying for PR was a simply on line process too. For us arriving on a 475 visa was not a problem, and we are now looking to become citizens and then we can hopefully close the book on all immigration procedures!


    Good luck to all those making the move on any visa. For us it has been so worth it - although hard work, seeing how happy our children are (the main reason we did it in the first place) is more than justification.

  2. We recently stayed at the paradise resort in surfers paradise. Not flash but good or families. Has entertainment, nice pools and reasonably priced food. Right outside is a bus stop where you can catch buses to all the parks. Rooms a little bit old in decor (think they were doing some up) but our room was always perfectly cleaned. We had a great time there. Happy children = happy mum and dad!

  3. Thank you so much for your advice. I will take you up on your offer of advice for sure. We are hoping to try and arrange everything for mum and dad from here as might be a bit much for them. Your advice that they can come out once they have applied is fantastic news.

  4. Hi, we were hoping mum and dad could apply whilst they were in australia recently, but due to some things beyond our control this was not possible. Mum and dad are now back in the uk and looking to start their application. Does anyone know if they can apply in the uk and then come out whilst they wait for their visa to be granted? Thanks

  5. We went through similar with our then 9year old. Didn't have problems at school but she certainly made up for it at home. We thought it was probably due to the massive change and I am sure the constant driving around in the first few days didn't help. Like said before, she did start to relax a bit more once our things arrived but it wasn't a quick fix. Thankffully she is back to "normal" now, just have to get through the teenage years now!

  6. Hi, we applied on line at the end of November and only received approval on Monday this week. We thought ours would come through quicker as everything was pretty straight forward and uploaded everthing at the time of our application. Guess it just depends on who picks up your file. I know how frustrating the wait is, our status updated on the immigration website first then we received an email the next day. Hope you won't be waiting too much longer.

  7. Hi there,


    We started in Hallett Cove too and loved it. We now live just across the road in Sheidow Park.


    I would wait until you get here to have a look around the schools in the area, there are 3 in Hallett Cove alone. That way you can get a proper feel for the schools. We choose the R-12 and glad to say both our children love it and have made some great friends. Know people whose children go to to the South school and the East school and their children are just as happy there so think it will really come down to what feels right for you and your children. At least by waiting until you get here you will have a better idea of where you will settle longer term and start at a school that the children can establish themselves at.


    Hope all goes well for you.



  8. Have had a read through the post as you suggested, and want to say thank you - very helpful.


    Think this would be the best (and quickest) way for mum and dad to join us. I am right is assuming, they would come out on a tourist visa and then apply whilst they were here?


    Thanks again for all you help and advice


    Hi there


    Before you talk to any migration agents, I recommend that you read the thread that I started below about this very topic. Please read the whole of the thread because there have been some significant developments since I started it nearly 3 years ago. As and when there has been anything significant to add, I have added it, but it is then necessary to read through the whole thing in order to make sure that your own information is up to date:




    I started the thread because the parents of a dear friend of mine had been to see DIAC in Adelaide and were investigating the possibility of applying for the non-contributory Aged Parent visa subclass 804. I thought other people might benefit from what this couple and I had managed to discover.


    The couple now live in Adelaide, on Bridging Visas, with their children and grandchildren close by and are thoroughly enjoying themselves. They applied for their APVs in about November 2009, having made 3 earlier, lengthy visits to Adelaide, so they were not strangers to the place or its way of life before they applied for their APVs and they had also made many friends of their own age. They say that they have a better social life in Adelaide than they had in the UK.


    Is there anything in particular that you want to know? If so, it may be possible to answer your questions without the need for you to incur the costs of involving a migration agent? With Parent migration, there is very little to know, to be honest.





  9. Hi there,


    My parents are seriously considering making the move over to SA to join my sister and I around the middle of 2012.


    Mum will be 69 and Dad 74, and we are not sure which visa they should go for. They meet the family balance requirement and both are fit and healthy.


    I would like to have a chat with a migration agent who can point us in the right direction of which visa and how we should apply. Can anyone reccomend anyone in or around Adelaide. Mum and Dad are relying on my sister and I to advise them and want to make sure that we make the right choices.



  10. Congratulations to you all - I am so happy for you!




    Well what a surprise! Chris phoned them this morning to be told we'd been granted it overnight! In our eagerness to phone straight after kindy drop off we didn't even check our email before phoning but nice to be told by them directly. And I guess it makes them feel great too so bonus all round!


    So we are now PERMANENT residents of Australia! OMG I can't believe it - it feels so amazing and I'm still crying with relief. Been a long road, some 8 years in total (5 reccying/planning/applying and 3 years here) but we've done what we have always dreamed about.


    Thanks to all of you for your support and to anyone who's still waiting - good luck!

    Got lots to do now - centrelink here we come but think we need to start planning a major party too! WOO HOOOOOOOOOO!



  11. Just on the off chance someone can help...


    we are in Adelaide on 475 visa (Hubby being main applicant) and are hoping to go for permanent residency later this year. I have suffered with Rhuematoid Arthritis for years now and this was the case when our visa was granted. However, my Rheumatoligist in Adelaide has reccomended that I trial a new medication - Etanercept. I understand that this is pretty costly and I have been approved for the treatment but obviously presently we are on a receprical health agreement. My concern is, will being on this new and expensive medication have a negative effect on our application for permanent residency? We will easily meet all the other criteria.


    I have tried talking to Immigration, but after sitting on the phone for nearly an hour, being passed to various departments, the general opinion is "they don't know".


    I just wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar when applying for permanent residency from a 475 (we have full private health cover by the way)


    Here's hoping... Thanks



  12. Hi there,


    There are 3 schools in Hallett Cove, Hallet Cove East which is an R-7 school, know a few people whose children go there and they really like it, then there is Hallett Cove South, a small school but again, those that I have spoke to who have children there like that too. Mine go to the R-12 like Helen's above - and we love that. So think it will really come down to which you prefer the "feel" of when you visit them. We chose the R-12 because we got a really good feeling when we walked around when we first arrived.


    Gladly, it seems to have been the right decision for our 2, both really enjoy the school (well as much as any 8 & 10 year old enjoy school). We use the OSHC (Out of School Hours Care) service they have and can't fault that either - both are loving the vacation club this summer and come home worn out so good for us too!


    Hope all goes well with your move. If we can be of any more help let us know, and by all means get in touch when you arrive and come around for coffee and a chat.



  13. Hi there,


    We used to live in Hallett Cove so our children started at the R-12. We have no complaints and both have settled really well.


    We have recently moved to Sheidow Park - we are not going to move schools as children happy where they are, but Woodend Primary is just around the corner from us and looks like a nice school. Know a couple of people whose children go there too and they seem to like it. Woodend is an R-7 school.


    Good luck with your decision making!



  14. Hi,


    We stayed in a lovely place, Margaritas Place, which we found on here. Lovely house and owner. It was great to have somewhere like "home" when we landed and gave us time to breathe and have a good look around. We found 8 weeks just right for us, as it gave us time to check out different areas before trying to secure a long term rental.


    Hope all goes well for you.

  15. wow ! And all this goes on in alot of places towards Brits ? I wonder if alot of people think is it really worth it to be in Oz, after all, so many say its for the children. Is this wide accross schools all over Adelaide, or just a certain number. From the ones I have read about in the past, School heads dont seem to bother. Are the conplaints just seen as " Wingin pommes ". I would say this is the main thought of concern over many other things, even finance. Would like to hear if this is common or not. Sorry to hear about that from the original poster, hope you find a better place.


    Sadly, bullying happens all over. Our daughter was terribly bullied in the UK - and she was only in primary school! We have all learnt from it though, because if I am honest, we put too much trust that the school was doing all they could for her, when really they were doing nothing. To the OP - you have done the best thing by taking your daughter out - wish we had done that sooner than we did. Hopefully, all will work out for your daughter and you, it us such a horrible thing for the whole family. We couldn't be happier with the school our daughter is in now - she is like a different child with confidence we never knew she had.

  16. i also have two girls 12 & 8 , we r in the process of applying , just need to ask abt activities , do they have a lot of activities , sports , etc

    second question abt bullying , do they give new kids hard time ?



    Hi there,


    We get involved with the Little Athletics program that is run on the school grounds, this is open to anyone, not just children attending the school, and Charlie plays soccer with the local team. Think they play alot of school sport in the higher years but mine aren't there yet so don't really know.


    As for your second question - our eldest had a horrible time with bullies in the UK, so this was our biggest worry. Have to say, both my children were welcomed from day one and Ellie-may is like a different child. Her confidence is soaring so can't tell you how relieved we are. I am sure some difficuties, and mine are quite young still so I think fitting in is a bit easier, as friend groups are still pretty fluid - but I can only comment on our experience.


    We have no regrets so far about them being in the school - happy children make happy parents!


    As a side note, they also have a really great OSHC service - mine love to go, particulaury in the holidays when they get to on on great days out.


    Hope all goes well for you.



  17. Hi there,


    Just wanted to add that we ordered a Giant cupcake for our daughter's 10th Birthday. We only gave Alexis a few days notice, but you wouldn't have known... the cake was beautiful and really helped to make Ellie-may's birthday extra special. It was her first without her nanny and grandad being around the corner and we really wanted her to have a great day and having such a thoughtfully made and decorated cake helped us to do this. The cake was extra yummy too! We would not hesitate to recommend Alexis and her cakes to anyone, and we are all looking forward to the next birthday so we can order again. Thank you again so very much.

  18. Probably not going to help you make a decision but we used Pickfords and really can't fault them. On the UK side everything was packed up by a great team of 4 guys and then when we arrived in Australia, were kept right up to date on where all our things were and they were delivered right on time. The guys who unpacked this end were really good as well.


    Happy travels!

  19. Hi there, my two go to Hallett Cove R-12, in fact I think your Harvey may be going into the same class as my Charlie (Mrs Barton)! To answer your question about the bags, the children all take back packs, no special colours, so they can take which ever colour/design they like. My two love the school (we only arrived last September so still pretty new ourselves) and have settled really quickly, and if Harvey is in Mrs Barton's class, she is a great teacher and really does lots for the children.


    Please let me know if we can be of any help at all. Hope all goes well for your two starting.



  20. hi jule we are moving into hallett cove could u advise us on schools.


    Gina and Alan


    Hi there,


    There are 3 primary schools in Hallett Cove - Hallett Cove East, Hallett Cove South and the R-12.


    I can only comment on the R-12 as that is where our two children go. Both settled really well at the school. Quite different to the UK but I think that applies to all schools. It is a big school as it covers reception through to year 12, but the primary school is sort of a school within a school. There is a good out of hours school care facility and everyone I have come into contact with has been very friendly and helpful. Good mix of children, and class sizes are relatively small - our two are in classes of 20 and 21 children compared to 32 in the UK.


    All schools will welcome you on a tour around so you can get a feel for what is right for you.


    Hope everything goes well for you, and feel free to get in touch if I can be of any help.



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