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  1. Hi, We are hoping to move to Adelaide between April and June 2015. Our son is almost 6 months. ARe there many baby groups/activities in Adelaide, especially around the Eastern Suburbs? What costs are involved usually? It would be great for me and baby to make new friends via groups and activities! THanks!
  2. Hi, We are hoping to move to Adelaide around May or June 2015, relocating from KL for my husband's work. We have hardly any furniture. What is the difference in price/availability of furnished v unfurnished properties in the Eastern Suburbs? We would be looking there first due to proximity to my husband's work. What is generally the standard of furnishing in furnished properties? Do they include TVs generally? Do unfurnished properties include large kitchen appliances like washing machines and fridges? Is there much good second hand furniture available and any recommendations about where to find it? THanks for your help with my questions!
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