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Helloooooo fellow people in their 20's? :D

Guest Chloe

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Hello :D


My name is Chloe i am 24, i wrote a post on this website absolutely aaaages ago, completely forgot my password, and have finally stopped procrastinating and logged back on! :D


i have been in Adelaide for about a year and a half now, and have met some lovely people but i would LOVE to meet some more English people!!! (probably rather wrong of me to say that haha but i don't care we are an amazing lot hehe) :P


I'm currently studying psychology at flinders uni, i'm here with my bro and his mate (who is also from the uk) and my gorgeous bestie Lisa is coming out in December! also i know were you can buy a steady supply of galaxy and terris chocolate oranges!! hahaha


anyways i would love to meet fellow English Adelaidians, and if any one fancies meeting up for a good ole pub drink i would love to arrange something :D


hope everyone is enjoying their time in Adelaide and not getting to homesick! .... and if not then lets just go get wasted! haha


Chloe :D

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Hiya Chloe,

My name's Shane and I,m a fellow pom in Adelaide. How yer going?. I,m 20 and I,m looking to meet up with some similar aged guys n girls like you are.

So if you around - maybe we could meet up with each other n go for that ole pub drink sometime???. If you have any ideas what time n where we cud meet that,d be awsome. Hope to hear from you soon. :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Shane :D


yeah that sounds great, how are you enjoying your time in Australia so far? unfortunately i had a bit of a accident the other night (due to good ole alcohol haha) and i've really badly sprained my ankle lol so i'm a tad immobile for the next week and a bit! but after that i will be free and we should definitely arrange a meet up :D


Clo :D

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Hi Chloe. I am loving my time in Australia. Oh dear -( we,ve all been there lol) Ok no worries, what I'll do is private message you my email address so if you could

possibly drop me an email with the place and time etc that would be cool. Hope you recover soon. As to the arranging a meet up with each other that would be absolulutley awsome.

Shane :D

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Guest Libby2_2

Hello All!


would deffo be up for a meet up with some fellow newcomers and some beer, I'm 25 and arrived in Adelaide on Saturday! I've been there Chloe, think my worst was falling over chin first and knocking myself out, woke up in in A&E with 10 stitches ouch!! Haha


Anyway Chloe, i wish you a swift recovery and let us know when your free in a week or so and we'll organise a meet up!



if anybody else is free and fancies a drink this weekend, inbox me and give me a shout!




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Amy Denyer

Hi all


I am in the early stages of the visa process but hoping to move your way next year. I am a teacher and will be making the big move alone - eek! Really good to think there are lots of young, sociable peeps such as yourselves who are up for a good time and meeting new people. Keep me posted with how all you newbies are getting on and hopefully I will be meeting up with you all in the not too distant future!!


Amy 29

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Guest jordan_bridge

Hey guys.


Been here just over 4 years now, made quite a few good friends here already (Australian, English and otherwise) but always keen to meet more and more people (especially if alcohol is involved haha) so if you guys are arranging a get together i will deffo be keen for it (if i dont have to work haha)


Jordan, 22

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Guest Chrissy88

Hey guys... you dont know how relieved I was to see this post. I got my visa granted in May but saving some money first before i come out becuase doubt I will get a job quickly when I arrive. Coming for a few days at Easter to activate my visa and then coming out in July to do some volunteering and get my face around some schools ( I am a teacher not a werido hehe)


Would love to stay in touch with some of you guys and meet up when I come in easter and for the whole of next summer (uk summer)

Was dead worried about moving alone - didnt want to walk into bars alone and try and meet friends hehe.


Also interested in getting in touch with people who are moving to adelaide in the next year or so so we can discuss the stresses of the big move haha.


Cant wait for some drinks in Adelaide with you all x

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Guest Chrissy88

Hey Amy - posted below but your situation seems pretty similar to mine. I am 24 and a teacher - already had my visa granted but not moving for a year or so to save dosh etc. Let me know if you need any help with the visa situation or want to keep in touch to prepare ourselves for the big scary move hehe.

chrissy x

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Guest Amy Denyer

Hi Chrissy


I am definitely up for keeping in touch. Where do you live? What do you teach? I am looking to move into a house share - maybe we could do it together?? How long did your visa take? Yes, I am very scared and keep having doubts but need to just keep driving forwards with it!


Amy x

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Guest Andy-Laa

Hey guys - my name's Andrew, I'm 20 (21 in april) currently awaiting a decision on my partner visa application.


I'm based in Darlington (around the Brighton/Marion area) and would love to meet some people.


I've found it difficult to make friends outside of my partner's established friendship group and would like to just branch out and make some friends independent of her. :)


Anyone who wants a meet-up, just drop me a line and we'll try and organise a time and date!


Look forward to meeting you guys!

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