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medicals-help please


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my 2 children are under consultents at the hospital,we have just had our medicals done last week, and i was wondering if anyone who has children under concultants experienced this as the medical people have to get intouch with the kids consultants and get reports off them before they can send off our medicals to sydney,has anyone been knocked back because of medical conditions,just alittle concerned:err: at the mo thinking we will get the knock back carnt cope with the wait!

sorry for wafflin on an on an on:wacko:

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Guest Trakki

It really depends what their problems are. If they are problems that mean that it will cost Oz money to care for them or that they will be of no use to Oz society ie unable to work when they are older then as far as I believe and understand it there may be a problem. If they are problems that will resolve or will not cost Oz money etc then you should be ok. We were really surprised when we went for ours that they ddn't ask for info about Niamh. She was born prem and had lots of problems, luckily she had just bee discharged from the consultant but was and still is seeing physios and dieticians. They didn't even ask for any other info. I have read on another board of someone failing medicals due to their child being autistic (think it was that). I think they appealed and were ok. I think that as long as your children are likely to live happy and fulfilling lives and most importantly to Oz will be able to work when they grow up it should be fine.


Hope that helps and I haven't worried you more, hard to answer really without knowing why they see consultants.

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Guest lynne

Hi Sue,


It goes on 3 things:

1 Is it contagious

2 how much will it cost

Will the child become an adult who is self caring and is able to work


Aus allocate a certain amount of money allowed for medical care. So if you are a well controlled diabetic than you would get a visa. Because the costs of medicines are within the budget and you can work look after your self and pay taxes to the Aus goverment.


We have just completed our medicals and have had to provide lots of addtional information as our 10 year old is austistic. We had to provide Educational Psy reports, reading age tests, standards of his work, diagnoses etc. The more information you provide the better, otherwise syndey will ask for additional information or refuse the visa




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well thanks lyn and tracey uve helped me quite alot and i dont think we should have a problem getting in now reading ur posts.

1 of my kids as only one kidney but this dont stop him leading a normal 7 yr olds life

hes on medication only antibiotics once a nite to stop water infections but thats not all the time, his surgen knows we our going to oz and is going to fix him right:cute:

my 1 year old has a floppy larynx is his throat but it has fixed itself with time which is good news and he just gets check-ups every 3 months.

well fingers crossed and i will let u know how things go

thanks again gurls :wubclub: speak soon ok


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Guest lynne

Hi Sue,


It sounds like your children will pass the medicals. They will need check ups in Aus but that should not be a problem.


You will have to wait longer for the decision because the doctor who did your medicals will have to get all the information from England prior to sending them to Sydney.


Sydney may request a blood test for eGFR so they have an up to date bloods test saying how well your sons kidney is working. I think if I was you I would speak to your childs consultant and ask him if it would be benefical to your case to have that bloods test prior to the medicals going off. As I know Syndey can request you attend a certain consultant for additional information which would actually cost you money.

What our medical doctor told us is the more you send the better as this can leave no room for Sydney to object or refer you to a private consultant for there opinion. Also because it costs you less to sort it out before the medicals go, as this is done on the NHS.


Grandad is coming with us on the visa and prior to his medical he had a letter in his GP notes that stated he was aneamic. We were advised to get an up to date blood test to prove this is not the case now. But we also had to get a letter off his GP stating the anaemia was a short term condition that has now resolved. It took us 3 months to get this information prior to sending off the medicals


Lets hope all our medicals go well



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Im not a child any more (am at heart!!!!) but when i was i was under a consultant for a heart murmer and being blind in one eye....(didnt i do well!!!). My meds picked on both of these and i had to supply a report from each stating the problem and any care i had!


None of this stopped us....might not be the same situation....but good luck!!!!


Dan and Steph

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Guest ali@51

Hi I hope this will be reassuring but my oldest daughter (Megan) is 8 1/2 and is partialy sighted. She sees a specalist every 2/6 months dependent on status. Ends up in A&E on average once a month and needs special medical contac lenses( new one every 2/52 cost £20 to£30) . We took a detailed letter from the consultant to the medicals. Visa aproved begining Jan NO problems. Good Luck

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