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teaching question - registration.

Guest NatsandSteve

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Guest NatsandSteve

Hello all,


I am just looking at getting my qualifications assessed (primary school teacher) for when I arrive in January 2013. The only thing is, is that there is a small chance that we may end up in Perth or Melbourne (although we so want to live in Adelaide) due to my partners job.


So can I register/get qualifications assessed with more than one state at a time or is there a process to do it that covers all states nationally...I can only find individual states processes at the moment.


Also, can anybody recommend any teaching agencies to register with once I arrive. I have been reading posts about teaching and am slightly worried about the job situation but hey, I have to at least try!


Any help is much appreciated :-)

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Guest Helchops

Well, the TRB is who you need to register with in SA and it is state-specific. You then need to register with DECS after the TRB process is complete. You'll need to do a Mandatory Notifaction Course, and to be registered with DECS, you'll need a first aid course too.


The job side...well...it's a different system. The financial rewards are pretty good but it's a real hassle to get work, primary more so than secondary. You need to be amazingly confident and pro-active and very, very, very flexible so that when you get a call at 6.00am to ask if you can get there by 7.30 you say yes!!

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Guest AngPhil

We thought we would be going to Victoria, so I registered there. It made the process really easy when I arrived in SA, a they used the mutual recognition rule. I had my registration sorted before we touched down and just needed to sort out the first aid course and mandatory training when I arrived. I think it looked better that I was already registered when looking for a job (even thought I couldn't work until I'd done the training).

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