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I'm coming over!

Guest Mojoanna

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Guest Mojoanna

My lovely OH has said he'll watch the kids so I can come over for a week to research and get a feel of some of the areas before we move at the end of the year. Question is should I approach some hospitals while I'm there and wack out a few C.V's? (I'm a nurse btw)

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Hi Mojo,


I don't know about the nursing sector but from my own experience, a defo YES to going in person. It puts a name to a face and also I have applied for 40+ jobs in the last few months and had little or no reply from my applications. I am hoping this is because we are not yet in the country and not because of my CV :wink:. We move in 3 weeks so hopefully will find something once we get there. Good luck with the reccie and let us all know how you get on.


Best Regards,



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I think you'll need a bit more than a week to do your research and trek around different areas, as it could easily take half that time to recover from jetlag; and if you don't know anyone in Adelaide to show you around you'll be run ragged getting from A to B and C to D etc! It took us nearly two weeks when we arrived nearly nine weeks ago, although we didn't have a deadline to work to like you will have when you come for your recce, so maybe that's why it took so long to get our body clocks in line with Adelaide-time. You'll hardly have time to scratch yourself with your packed schedule, so perhaps your lovely OH could stretch to at least a couple of weeks to mind the kids while you 'blaze the trail'? It'll be worth it and at least you'll have a better chance of actually 'seeing' where you're looking, if you get my drift. There's so much you'll have to do and I applaud you for your fortitude and 'pioneer spirit'. That's a very early-Aussie attitude to take, and you deserve to succeed. Good luck, Mo-jo! bhx

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