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Aldinga soccer club gain promotion-seeking new talent!!


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Well as the players take a well earned rest, the current committee will be working towards next year.

The AGM is booked(date to be published)

Next season we are looking to strengthen the committee, 8 posts are open for nominations.

All posts will have a particular requirement, fund raising, marketing, youth development etc.

If you feel you have something to offer for the 2015 season, please ensure you submit your interest by the AGM.

We are also looking for suitably qualified coaches for both the A/B and juniors teams.

Terms and conditions will be discussed with suitable applicants.

For additional details please contact either

Kevin Pinchback

Mick Michael Treen or myself via here or search for aldinga soccer club on :-(book

we are also looking for new players to help us as we join division 3.





Vice President

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In short our youth soccer is at it's infancy.

We are (have been) running clinics for all ages under 16, with about 54 kids who are on our data base.

As you have pointed out, we are not a federation registered team, you will also be aware you need youth to be such!

The club is trying to establish a solid foundation and build a future that involves the locals kids, this may also help us get the council to develop a fit for purpose pitch.

This again is something we are pushing for!

We have got a number of young lads who want to start a team, a sponsor who is keen to get involved and a committee that is set up to build on what we have done do far.

Along with some qualified players who have also intimated they are keen to get involved.

If you would like to discuss or need any additional info maybe PM, I'll send you my mobile or email contact details.

This year was about getting started, we have gained promotion and now need to consolidate and build on our achievements this far...

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I did consider posting a rather comprehensive retort to your comment regarding "two legs".

Sadly I think with the tone of your message, it appears you play for a team in one of the higher divisions, which makes you consider your good enough to play in the EPL.

Just remember even the best teams in the world started on a field or sharing a ground. Not that you have criticised us sharing an oval in your previous message!

I guess the higher teams don't play in a "social" environment, what a pompous statement to make!

Maybe you should remember progressive clubs are sometimes put off by the ethos from the clubs that believe they are superior.

I'm sure you'll not be coming down to offer your help, to such a socially based club that has players with two legs. We could not afford your wages or cope with you ego!

I will take the good luck with a pinch of salt, we got promoted by playing all but one game in "our division", oh and raised over 5k for two charity's along the way.

i guess that's progressive enough for the first season.

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I don't play anymore, and have never been paid to play!!

I had no idea that you shared a ground. Not every top club has their own ground in our State, West Adelaide, Sturt don't have them either.

I was merely highlighting you did well in your first season, but the level was pretty low (no shame in that) and you want to improve on it. No need to get so bloody defensive.

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