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Hmm, I didn't really rate Sturt. Marino can be ok/nice depending on where you are I guess (expensive in places). That is my personal opinion from when we were looking around at property and a decent overall area that ticked our boxes.


My main consideration from the kids angle when we were looking around those areas was schools. I'd research those really well if you have kids and see what you turn up. Also a few other things but that was my main thing. There was a lot of sub division going on in Sturt when we looked and that defo didn't appeal to us. Both those suburbs were crossed off my list early on for various reasons.


Of course, some will live there happily without any real grumbles but for us both suburbs were non starters really. Sorry I can't be more positive, I just didn't really like either of them enough to want to live there and schools didn't appeal. There were school options further afield but some were zoned and unless you live in the zone, getting in is highly unlikely.


ETA - I am trying to think if we have any active members living in Sturt who might be able to tell you more about it but no one springs to mind atm. If I think of someone, I'll let you know. I know we have one or two living in Marino but not really regular posters, just pop in now and again.

Edited by snifter
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Sounds good :) 6 months is a good timeframe. If you find its not for you in the longer term you can look elsewhere and by then have had more time to work out where and what you like and why. It took us about 6 months where we first started off to work out what we wanted bigger picture wise. And lovely as the suburb we started off was, it wasn't for us for longer.


Keep us posted as to how things are going.


If you want school info or kindy there are some good threads in the Kids Down Under section of the forum.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Snifter, thanks for reply. Hubby ended up getting house in Marino as when he looked at it really liked the house & he liked the area & says it has a nice feel to it just got a 6month lease at the moment so not tied in for ages if we decide we don't like it.

thanks again




I love Marino. :) it's very pretty. Great choice!

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