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Hi all arrive in Adelaide 26th Dec HELP!!!! PLEASE!!!

Guest The Steele Family

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Guest The Steele Family

Hi there, we need help!!!! Please!!!! We are due to arrive in Adelaide on 26th Dec and we are still frantically trying to secure some accommodation, our container won't arrive till approx end Feb, so we have been looking on various realestate sites on net but still don't know where would be best to settle? I will be working as a mechanic in Mile End, having obtained a 4 year long stay sponsorship visa. There are 4 of us - the wife, son (aged 14) and daughter (aged 6). Does anyone know of a rental property for 26th December? We were orignally looking at the beach - places like Hallett Cove, Brighton, Somerton Park, Henley Beach and Grange. We also like Mount Barker. But now we have seen houses in Burton, Aberfoyle Park and Hendon. Can anyone please tell us what these areas are like?

Anyone know what the schools are like around there too?

Next problem is a car! Anyone know of a cheap car for sale? What are the options walking into a dealership...is it like the UK, just pay a deposit and monthly instalments (interest free?!).

Would be really grateful for any help and advice! We are all really looking forward to coming out there but sorting everything out is a nightmare!



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Guest Guest75

Phew Dave - you picked an awkward date to arrive!


Can you change that date or are flights booked??


Most of the accommodation I know is well booked out.Might be worth a look on this site...........


For Adelaide enter in the postcode 5000 as the city center and work out wards.


For car hire have a look at Aussie Car Rentals.Not sure on availability or if they are working - but they are a smashing company - looked after a lot of people I know.




Good luck!:emoticon-signxmas:

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Guest 0405delboy

What a shocking day to arrive! Have you got it sorted out yet? I can tell you that you need to probably look at short-term accom. Dont get too fussy about suburbs. Things are tough all over for renters! Make sure you have references that are easily checkable, perhaps a couple of written ones!! The only other option that I can think of as a last resort are holiday units which of course by the beach. Most suburbs along the coast have holiday units for rent and with the economy, I dont think local demand would be that high for them. They are pricey but not too bad. Dont let the owners bend you over on the price either. Ring around first and get an estimate. As for rentals, you'd be lucky if you were given much help before the new year. That how Adelaide is...:tonguexmas:

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Guest 0405delboy

What a shocking day to arrive! Have you got it sorted out yet? I can tell you that you need to probably look at short-term accom. Dont get too fussy about suburbs. Things are tough all over for renters! Make sure you have references that are easily checkable, perhaps a couple of written ones!! The only other option that I can think of as a last resort are holiday units which of course by the beach. Most suburbs along the coast have holiday units for rent and with the economy, I dont think local demand would be that high for them. They are pricey but not too bad. Dont let the owners bend you over on the price either. Ring around first and get an estimate. As for rentals, you'd be lucky if you were given much help before the new year. That how Adelaide is...:tonguexmas:

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Guest cornish Busdriver

G'day Dave.

You could try and book into the adelaide meridan, thats where me and the missus stayed until we secured a rental and the have family rooms as well. http://www.adelaidemeridien.com.au

If you need to secure a rental when you get here try Residential lettings at hallet cove, i highly recomend them. www.residentialletting.com.au

As for a cheep car, i paid 3500 for a 1995 hyundi excel 1.5 auto from bi low Moters at blair athol, main north road. all cars there under 5k. But you get what you pay for and pay by cash can always swing you a discount but it depends on what your after.

You pick a hell of a time to arrive :)


Christies beach

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Try these apartments very close to the beach , we have stayed in them several times , might be a bit expensive but ok short term





Hi there, we need help!!!! Please!!!! We are due to arrive in Adelaide on 26th Dec and we are still frantically trying to secure some accommodation, our container won't arrive till approx end Feb, so we have been looking on various realestate sites on net but still don't know where would be best to settle? I will be working as a mechanic in Mile End, having obtained a 4 year long stay sponsorship visa. There are 4 of us - the wife, son (aged 14) and daughter (aged 6). Does anyone know of a rental property for 26th December? We were orignally looking at the beach - places like Hallett Cove, Brighton, Somerton Park, Henley Beach and Grange. We also like Mount Barker. But now we have seen houses in Burton, Aberfoyle Park and Hendon. Can anyone please tell us what these areas are like?

Anyone know what the schools are like around there too?

Next problem is a car! Anyone know of a cheap car for sale? What are the options walking into a dealership...is it like the UK, just pay a deposit and monthly instalments (interest free?!).

Would be really grateful for any help and advice! We are all really looking forward to coming out there but sorting everything out is a nightmare!



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Keep looking at the site as there are often cars for sale. We were going to arrive on a stupid day like boxing day but we decided to stay a week in HongKong so things were open in the New Year.

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