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  1. My day was lovely thank you, although wet and cold on the East coast just how I like it. So what are everyone's plans for the weekend?
  2. If you hadn't got in to Australia would you have moved elsewhere or stayed in the UK.
  3. That sounds great. We considered America but it is so hard to get in. This will be our last move in Australia if it doesn't work we will leave
  4. So if I walk round Adelaide doing the elephant trick I will fit in haha. I don't like the heat or humidity
  5. Sorry we would like around 5 acres. My partner would be working in education but not immediately.
  6. What is the maximum age for children?
  7. If we make the move we will will have around $550k to buy a 3 bed house. We would like land if possible, we are not beach people so that isn't a priority.
  8. As anyone moved from another state to Adelaide? We are trying to escape the weather here in Brissy and think Melbourne or Adelaide would be a better option.
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