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Baki2016 last won the day on July 31 2017

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  1. Golden email was send from Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
  2. Hi Nimra86, While we were on 489 visa, concrete in Victoria, Melbourne, we didnt pay anything for my kids - they learn in governmental school. When we came my youngest was 4 and we enrolled him in kindergarten (we paid around 360$ per term). (note that in kinder they can stay only 3 days for 4 hours). Lucky that after 6 months he became old enough to start in school (full time), so I could start with work - full time. Hope this was helpful. All the best
  3. Many thanks It was Adelaide.gsm.team10, and the CO was Melissa All the best ....
  4. HI All, I got my GRANT Finally on Friday 22/09/2017. I was so exited to write you on Friday What a wonderful start for a weekend was that Anyway Applied 24/04/2017 CO 01/08/2017 (asked for new AFP for main applicant) Grant - 22/09/2017 Will all the best to all of you....Cheers
  5. New Australian police check for main applicant. Previously with application we lodged Australian police check but was for different purposes, CO asked for new one for immigration purposes.
  6. Applied - 24/04/17 CO - 01/08/17 Requested documents lodged - 08/08/17 still on waiting list for golden email ?!?!
  7. No News..still waiiiitiiinggg.... like forever
  8. Hi fellows, Applied on 20/04/17 CO: 01/08/2017 Document attached on 08/08/2017....still desperately awaiting my grant. Hopefully this week.... Cheers...
  9. Because they asked for more information now status is - information requested. Once we upload requested document - status will be assessment in progress.
  10. - Application lodged on 24 April 2017. CO asked just Australian police check. (We already have lodged AFP (from 11.2016) but it was for employment purposes - not for immigration) Overseas police check was new (10.2016) we were cleaver and when my husband was overseas (1 month) he get new police check, just for every case. Good luck to everyone.
  11. Today, CO contact me, they asked for Australian Police check for the main applicant. We have been lodged Victorian police check (fingerprint and name check), but they want AFP - name check. (we will apply today and asap lodge). Everything else seams OK, because for other applicant was - information requested - Nil.
  12. April applications any Grant or CO contact?????
  13. Applied on 24 April 2017- no contact yet ...
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