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Lil Bev

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Everything posted by Lil Bev

  1. Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes I am aware of the 30 days, I just wanted to get my application in before they temporary close it and change it to the new system as I had already completed it and not submitted it until today. I'm expecting my positive skills letter to arrive any day now, then I can send it off straight away
  2. Hi, Hope someone can help me with a few questions regarding sponsorship and the ANMC. I applied for SA sponsorship today prior to the online application system temporarily closing tomorrow 16th-23rd/11/10, for the new system to be put in place. Once i completed the application it states on the application cover sheet that i must include "Evidence of any Licensing or Registration requirements for your nominated occupation". I am a registered nurse and as i have not yet applied for registration with AHPRA what sort of evidence can i include in the application? Also, i was aware of the financial support pro forma, however this now says it should only be sent if you are an international student. Has anyone sent their application without this form and sponsorship been approved? I'm guessing by what it now states that i do not need to send it. The last bullet point seems to point to this. Financial Capacity It is your responsibility to ensure that you have sufficient funds for settling and living expenses when you arrive in South Australia. You should not dispose of any assets before your visa is granted. A minimum total of the equivalent of AUD25,000 for a single applicant. Additional AUD5,000 for each secondary applicant. Must include an overall cash component of at least AUD10,000. Must be available when applicant arrives in South Australia. If you are a recent international student, you will need to complete the Financial Support Pro Forma which is available as part of the Application form and in the Client Tracking System if you do not have the assets in your name. If sufficient assets are in the principal applicants/partner’s name, only complete the relevant section in the online application form. FINAL QUESTION (for now:cute:) I havn't sent my supporting documents for sponsorship as yet as i am awaiting my letter of determination from the ANMC. I received and email from them on the 9th Nov stating that one will be sent shortly but i am still waiting, does anyone know how long it will take to get this? Then i can get the big ball rolling Thanks in advance, Bev & Jay
  3. Sent application off yesterday! I had to complete the online application, print it off and get the magistrate to sign my passport pic, and witness me signing the form. Fingers crossed i pass!
  4. I wonder if anyone can help me. Last week i went to the magistrates court to get my documents certified for my ANMC assessment, the justice of the peace did it for me and they signed everything but refused to sign my passport pic as they dont know me. However they certified all of my ID documents inc. passport pics with me present?!? Does it have to be one of the people is states ie: Legal Practitioner Notary Public Justice of the Peace Peace Commissioner Commissioner of Declarations Commissioner of Oaths Judge Magistrate Person legally designated to sign documents from an embassy or consulate Obviously they dont know me, and refused to sign my pic. What do i do?? Also i'm a little confused with the on-line assessment, how does it work exactly? I'm halfway through the assessment but until i get my passport pic certified i'm stuck. Once the application is complete do you have to print it off then get that certified too by the person who certified the documents??? HELP!!
  5. I'm going to the the magistrates court next week to do mine it will cost £25 for the lot.
  6. Lil Bev

    Nursing info...

    Which agency did you go with and were they any good?
  7. Thats great Matt, thanks! I'll get in touch with them once i have all my documents together. 2008?? I better add a few 00's to the end of that price then Bev
  8. Hi Craig, yes i need to do that to get my nursing registration verified, but its just birth certificates, passports etc that i need to get certified so looking for someone local that could do it for us. Thanks for the reply!
  9. Hi there, well i'm now at the point of getting my skills assessed. Does anyone know of any good solicitors or have used any other service in Plymouth to certify their documents (one that doesn't cost a small fortune!). I am aware that DIAC accepts colour scanned documents but this isn't the case for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council. They only accept documents which are certified by the following: Legal Practitioner Notary Public Justice of the Peace Peace Commissioner Commissioner of Declarations Commissioner of Oaths Judge Magistrate Person legally designated to sign documents from an embassy or consulate Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Bev
  10. I only started at Derriford in August 09 so i wont know her, i might get to know her if i get a job at Flinders though!
  11. The OTs on our ward are fantastic! Hope i don't miss the place when i leave, can't wait to get to get out there:jiggy: Are you enjoying it out there? Where are you working now? Bev
  12. I work on shaugh (trauma orthopaedic ward)
  13. Just wondering if there are any differences in the Australian hospitals with Advanced Diploma trained RN's and Degree Trained RN's? They don't here in the UK, but not sure if this is any different over in Australia. I have an Advanced Diploma in Adult Nursing. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance. Bev
  14. I hope it's better than Derriford, i'm working there at the moment
  15. Nar then bein a Barnsley lass a think a did well, can talk proper good English tha knows It's rubbish that a born and bred Brit has to do this test, although you can see why they ask for it. I wish this country did the same. Thanks for the good luck wishes, just wish this next year would hurry up! Bev
  16. Hi everyone, Just read on that the new skilled occupation list is going to be delayed until sometime in May, heres the link Australia Immigration Dept Delay Skilled Occupation List until May | Embrace Australia
  17. Got my results today...I passed!! Reading 7.5, listening 8.5, writing 8.5, speaking 9 = overall 8.5 I'm chuffed to bits, rose wine later
  18. I had my IELTs on Saturday. The reading was more difficult i thought. I practiced this test the most and always answered every question with time to spare to read through and check my answers. This didn't happen on Saturday! Was very much pushed for time on this one so fingers crossed!
  19. Hi Mandi (again lol!) I am in contact with Geneva Health and they ring me regularly re: migration and what needs to be done when and where etc. However, i have informed them that i will be doing the whole process independently as i don't want to go by temporary visas or get fixed to an employer for 2 years. We are hoping to go on a 175 visa (just awaiting the visa changes in July to see if this is possible) if not we are hopping to go on a 176. As we can't migrate until Sept 2011 we are happy to hold off things until the July changes. If you need any more info, just ask! Bev
  20. Took my IELTS application form in today - looks like im on the one in April! Made me feel wierd as it's the first step to aus!!
  21. Thanks!! I've read that much today i must have missed the "once I migrate to South Australia" bit!! Who can sign these forms?
  22. just found the financial requirements for SA 176 visa... Sponsorship requirements for Offshore 475 or 176 Applicants must show that they have sufficient funds available to meet the initial costs of establishment and on-going settlement. As a rough guide, applicants will require a minimum of AUD$25,000 (in cash and assets) for a single applicant, with an additional AUD$5,000 for each additional family member. The cash or savings component must be at least AUD$10,000. Family CompositionTotal fundsCash or savings componentMain applicant only AUD$ 25,000AUD$ 10,000Main applicant plus one (1) dependentAUD$ 30,000AUD$ 10,000Main applicant plus two (2) dependentsAUD$ 35,000AUD$ 10,000Main applicant plus three (3) dependentsAUD$ 40,000AUD$ 10,000 Well, it looks like i'm going to have to go down the temporary route. Not happy!!
  23. Is that how much they want you to move over with? Or does it depend on how many are moving over? (i.e people with kids). $45000....if thats the case we better get saving! Just me and the hubby though, no kids so we just need enough to support us two.
  24. Thanks, thats great. Will defo take you up on the offer! I was going to wait until June/July but by this time the skills list is due to change again and the nursing board changes to one for the whole of Oz. Better get my skates on Bev x
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