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Everything posted by DKAGG

  1. The only reason of delay I could think of is only two co's working on 887 files. They almost spent 3 months on Jan files and now when 2nd-3rd times are about to cross their timelines, they have to clear the backlog first.
  2. Many congrats mate!!! What a relief for you.... Take a day off and celebrate.
  3. Congratulation Shekhar!!!? Usually we have dull Fridays as CO's are in weekend mode from Thursday onwards but ur message lightened up our Friday...Hope Adam will clear at least one more case before day end.
  4. I think Russki's office is not far from my office. I'll defiantly love to go n meet her on her grant day!!!!
  5. Last one hour for today..come-on Co's..at least maintain an average of 1 grant per day ?
  6. New week..New hopes!!!!!! Best of luck to everyone...specially Russki?
  7. Thanks for sharing the good News!!! Looks like they are processing applications strictly in order....
  8. I pray u don't prove to be right but considering all this I postponed my plans to visit India till April next year.
  9. Congratulations Kim!!!? You can now visit ur country with peace of mind!!!
  10. With agents, I have seen even they have limited knowledge. I myself gave many docs to my agent after joining this forum and insisted him to upload those docs. Agents never aim for direct grant and they are happy for co's to come back. They can't understand the pain of waiting another 2-3 months just for 1 stupid document which could have been submitted earlier.
  11. I think it won't harm but might save lots of time. It's just an extra document we submitting and adding our confirmation.
  12. Adam is fighting like Iron Man at the moment!!!! Adam deserves ??
  13. Congrats Mate? Can you please name your co?
  14. Congrats Manny?? Long wait has come to an end its time to enjoy!!! Party hard mate today..... Adam is still there to make us Happy.
  15. Big cheersssssssss for Adam!!!! 3 news in half a day!!!
  16. Good to see group being live again with 1 grant message?
  17. Hi HSK these sound good in Hindi or Punjabi only...but yes to make other understand you have to write in English?
  18. Congrats B331???? Good to see group active & positive in the morning!!!!!!!!Keep it up.
  19. Oh..so she works part time (once in a month?)
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