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Manny (Applied 14 Dec 17)

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Everything posted by Manny (Applied 14 Dec 17)

  1. There are only Four status: Received: Means nothing happened so far ? Initial Assesment: Mean CO requested more docs ? Further Assesment: When you submit docs ? Fianlised! : Grant ?
  2. Seems like TUESDAY is the day for 2nd timers..! This Tuesday ALLI got Grant.. Last Tuesday Desai got Grant..! ?
  3. Congrats Allis..! Cheers.. You made it bro... Enjoy ur freedom..!
  4. If they want to reduce the approval time, it only gonna take effect in next couple of months. Nothings happens instantly ..! I.e. we have to bear this long wait stress..!
  5. Indeed..! Every year Fees are getting increased...! but What for? 5 years back, when CO request more docs, they used to take 2-3 days max to finalize their decision after receiving docs..! God knows.. What's gonna happen in coming years..! *** RIP Quality service and Quick Response time from CO's and Govt..!
  6. Current trend seems to be like: First Time CO Contact: Min 7+ Months 2nd Time Co Contact: Min 2 + Months Then further goes on..! Files keep on adding up. Govt. keep on collecting full fees, and in return, we are just getting long waiting Ques..! ** They are not even bother to increase no. of CO's..!
  7. Few people want to Deport Dutton ? Whole NEws at http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-08-24/vandals-smash-windows-office-federal-liberal-mp-peter-dutton-qld/10159424
  8. This whole scenarios reminded me another Political Party AAP (Indian Political Party)..! Alwayz ready to fight between themself... ?
  9. What about Dutton now??? Seems like all Student and Immigrant's curse took Dutton's life ?
  10. Come on guys.. Give us some good news..!There should be at least 1 grant a day from us..
  11. Its been ages, I am draining my mobile battery like anything by keep checking immi site for status on regular intervals..! Now even my mobile must be saying "Not Again" ?
  12. Today I got so tired, Sick and bored of this long WAIT. So decided to remember and cherish the day I got my 489 Visa..! I found my post way back from 2015 on Expat forum when I got my 489 Grant. At that time process seems to be way fast..! Lucky us at that time ;-)..
  13. She came for a short while..! threw some curse on our files..then eloped... ?
  14. Might be some silent follower..1..! Congrats to Edwin for his Direct Grant..! Enjoy ur freedom mate..! Cheers
  15. This is so confusing..! Website say 9-11 months..! However, Accounts says 9-12 months.. Anyhow good thing is minimum time is still 9 months.. !
  16. You can do it now also..! Ask your lawyer to respond asap..!
  17. Personal view..! "I dont think we all will be effected by this change..! As when someone will be appointed replacing him and then He/She will make few decisions for immigrants which gonna take some time! AND I am pretty sure till then we all will be out of this Que..! :-)"
  18. Indeed..! But he will definitely keep trying to become PM in near future (As still 40% voted in favor of him). But as of now..! he is just one of the Back bencher ..!
  19. Nope...! He already lost PM Candidate voting against Turnbull by 48-35 votes Liberal Ballot..!
  20. Hmm.. Then they might lost few grands..! thats why they don't bother much abt thier work.. ;-)
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